ibireme / YYModel

High performance model framework for iOS/OSX.
MIT License
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+[NSArray yy_modelArrayWithClass:json:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1b21c5950 #248

Open lixiaoyu opened 6 years ago

lixiaoyu commented 6 years ago

正常的解析一段json的数组,报这个错,以前一直这么用 我的返回数据以及调用是这样的 NSArray * datalist = [NSArray yy_modelArrayWithClass:[NewSearchResult class] json:result[@"list"]]; json

{ list = ( { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 190944; objectName = "\U5c0f\U59d0\Uff1a\U4f60\U597d\Uff01\U6211\U60f3\U91c7\U8bbf\U4f60\U4e00\U4e0b\U2026\U2026"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 187806; objectName = "\U3010\U6b63\U80fd\U91cf\U6bb5\U5b50\U3011\U6ef4\U6c34\U4e4b\U6069 \U5b9a\U5f53\U6d8c\U6cc9\U76f8\U62a5\Uff01\U8bf7\U73cd\U60dc\U8eab\U8fb9\U5bf9\U4f60\U597d\U7684\U4eba\Uff01#\U60c5\U611f\U89c6\U9891#"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 182070; objectName = "\U4e3a\U4e86\U4f60\U597d\Uff0c\U6700\U540e\U4e00\U6b21\U4e86\Uff0c\U4ee5\U540e\U7ed9\U6211\U8dea\U4e0b\U6211\U90fd\U4e0d\U8ba9\U4f60\U5438"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 185969; objectName = "\U5341\U4e8c\U4f4d\U65b0\U8001\U9999\U6e2f\U6b4c\U624b\U9f50\U805a\Uff0c\U7ecf\U5178\U91cd\U73b0\U300a\U94c1\U8840\U4e39\U5fc3&\U4e16\U95f4\U59cb\U7ec8\U4f60\U597d\U300b"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 183339; objectName = "\U4e0d\U8981\U628a\U6211\U5bf9\U4f60\U597d\Uff0c\U5f53\U4f5c\U662f\U7406\U6240\U5f53\U7136\Uff01"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 185073; objectName = "Ta\U7ba1\U4f60\U4e0d\U662f\U9650\U5236\U4f60\U800c\U662f\U56e0\U4e3aTa\U7231\U4f60\Uff0c\U8fd9\U4e2a\U793e\U4f1a\U6ca1\U6709\U8c01\U4e49\U52a1\U5bf9\U4f60\U597d\Uff0c\U5982\U679c\U4f60\U78b0\U5230\U4e86\Uff01\U8bf7\U73cd\U60dc\Uff01"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 185402; objectName = "\U5f53\U674e\U7389\U521a\U9047\U89c1\U5c0f\U9ec4\U4eba\Uff0c\U5347\U7ea7\U7248\U300a\U521a\U597d\U9047\U89c1\U4f60\U300b\U5c45\U7136\U8fd9\U4e48\U840c\U8fd9\U4e48\U597d\U542c\Uff01"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 185439; objectName = "\U4eca\U5929\U5929\U6c14\U5f88\U597d \U4f60\U4eec\U8fd8\U597d\U561b\Uff1f"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 185514; objectName = "\U5f53\U4f60\U7684T\U6064\U592a\U65e7\U4e86\U7a7f\U4e0d\U4e86\U600e\U4e48\U529e\Uff1f\U51e0\U4e2a\U975e\U5e38\U6709\U521b\U610f\U7684\U597d\U65b9\U6cd5\Uff0c\U9a6c\U4f4f\U4ee5\U540e\U8bd5\U8bd5\Uff01"; objectType = VideoPlat; }, { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 183689; objectName = "\U5f20\U5b66\U53cb\U3001\U9648\U6167\U5a34\U7ca4\U8bed\U60c5\U6b4c\U6df1\U60c5\U5bf9\U5531\U300a\U8f7b\U629a\U4f60\U7684\U8138\U300b\Uff0c\U592a\U597d\U542c\U4e86\Uff01"; objectType = VideoPlat; } ); result = 1; } image

lixiaoyu commented 6 years ago


semnyqu commented 6 years ago


lixiaoyu commented 6 years ago


The "selector not recognized" runtime exception occurs due to an issue between the implementation of standard UNIX static libraries, the linker and the dynamic nature of Objective-C. Objective-C does not define linker symbols for each function (or method, in Objective-C) - instead, linker symbols are only generated for each class. If you extend a pre-existing class with categories, the linker does not know to associate the object code of the core class implementation and the category implementation. This prevents objects created in the resulting application from responding to a selector that is defined in the category.


darkfiredarkhalo commented 8 months ago


The "selector not recognized" runtime exception occurs due to an issue between the implementation of standard UNIX static libraries, the linker and the dynamic nature of Objective-C. Objective-C does not define linker symbols for each function (or method, in Objective-C) - instead, linker symbols are only generated for each class. If you extend a pre-existing class with categories, the linker does not know to associate the object code of the core class implementation and the category implementation. This prevents objects created in the resulting application from responding to a selector that is defined in the category.

