ibis-project / ibis-birdbrain

portable Python ML-powered data bot
Apache License 2.0
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conversational mode #45

Open lostmygithubaccount opened 4 months ago

lostmygithubaccount commented 4 months ago

re-implement conversational mode for the bot

there is currently a conversational: bool input to the bot that defaults to False. this work would, when setting that to True:


right now, if I ask a bot w/ access to the IMDB database:

bot("what are the top rated movies?")

I get a response w/ a bunch of irrelevant movies

as a follow-up, if I ask:

bot("with at least 100k ratings")

the bot has no context of the previous message and results. ideally, it would "know" that I'm talking about appending instructions to the previous message, re-use the CodeAttachment from that preivous message, etc.


could naively pass in all messages to the Flows. would need some way to pick out relevant messages (see Marvin classification, extraction methods)