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SciPy 2024 - Ibis Tutorial #22

Closed gforsyth closed 1 week ago

gforsyth commented 5 months ago


Intro to Ibis: blazing fast analytics with DuckDB, Polars, Snowflake, and more, from the comfort of your Python repl.


Tabular data is ubiquitous, and pandas has been the de facto tool in Python for analyzing it. However, as data size scales, analysis using pandas may become untenable. Luckily, modern analytical databases (like DuckDB) are able to analyze this same tabular data, but perform orders-of-magnitude faster than pandas, all while using less memory. Many of these systems only provide a SQL interface though; something far different from pandas’ dataframe interface, requiring a rewrite of your analysis code.

This is where Ibis comes in. Ibis is a pure-Python open-source library that provides a dataframe interface to many popular databases and analytics tools (DuckDB, Polars, Snowflake, Spark, etc...). This lets users analyze data using the same consistent API, regardless of which backend they’re using, and without ever having to learn SQL. No more pains rewriting pandas code to something else when you run into performance issues; write your code once using Ibis and run it on any supported backend.


This tutorial is open to all. If you have ever

then this tutorial is for you!

We’ll cover:


Prior teaching experience

Gil Forsyth

I'm an experienced instructor, having led tutorials at several PyData conferences, PyCon, and SciPy. I also ran internal training on Python and distributed data analysis at Capital One for several years. I am one of the core maintainers of Ibis.



Naty Clementi

Naty Clementi is an experienced educator. She has presented tutorials at meetups and conferences such as SciPy, PyData NYC, and Women Who Code DC. Her latest presentations include an advanced tutorial on Dask at SciPy 2023 (recording: youtube.com/watch?v=ZMwpK6KVj3o) and recurring online Dask tutorials until July 2023 (recordings at youtube.com/watch?v=32w33L7hseQ and youtube.com/watch?v=8bd7DswSxw4). In addition, she has taught multiple (unrecorded) Python courses to graduate and undergraduate students at the George Washington University.

Recent Tutorials: - Advanced Dask Tutorial (Scipy 2023): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMwpK6KVj3o - Dask Futures Tutorial (recurring online until 07/23): recordings at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32w33L7hseQ - Dask Dataframes Tutorial (recurring online until 07/23): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bd7DswSxw4 - How to contribute to open source (Women Who Code DC - 2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAIYrnguV8c - Intro to Dask (Women Who Code DC - 2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKw7PdoS7YA

Recent Talks: - Open Source meets Enterprise: The right way (PyData Seattle 2023): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSyLEuNrU5Y

Jim Crist-Harif

Jim is also a core maintainer of Ibis and one of the original contributors and long-time maintainer of Dask. He has presented many talks and tutorials, links are available on his website: https://jcristharif.com/talks.html

Phillip Cloud

I have been speaking in public in the software industry since around 2015, all of which has been about Python and analytics.

In a past life I taught undergraduate statistics to psychology students, as well as experimental design.

In addition to working full time on Ibis, I've given a large number of talks on it, nearly all of them public. Here are a few places you can see what I've done:

• Ibis @ Trino Fest: https://youtu.be/JMUtPl-cMRc • Live stream of an introduction to Ibis: https://www.youtube.com/live/rMeDeSNY8yI • EuroSciPy 2023: https://youtu.be/-p6SRufakjI • My YouTube channel with a large variety of Ibis content: https://www.youtube.com/@cpcloud


This is a hands-on tutorial, with numerous examples to get your hands dirty. Participants should ideally have some experience using Python and pandas, but no SQL experience is necessary.


0:00 - Intro and Setup “Going beyond pandas”

Get attendees up and running in a GitHub Codespace or on their laptops. A bit of motivation about the kinds of problems where Ibis can help, and a general survey of attendees to find out what their existing pain points and experiences are.

0:15 - Introduction to Ibis basics

A hands-on, follow-along notebook introducing the basic verbs of Ibis data analysis, (select, filter, group_by, order_by, and aggregate), with hands-on exercises throughout.

1:00 - Coffee Break (5 minutes that definitely takes 10 minutes)

1:10 - In-memory tables, joins, and data analysis

Building on the previous notebook, we'll explore how to join in-memory data (from a pandas DataFrame, Python dictionary, or PyArrow Table) with existing tables in a local database and continue analysis on the join result.

We'll touch on the Ibis deferred operator for specifying predicates in chained joins, and demonstrate read_parquet and other read_* methods for loading local data into existing databases.

Then we'll continue with a series of hands-on exercises, building up an analysis pipeline for some IMDB ratings data, but only operating on a 5% sample of the original dataset.

After, we show how the same expression can be computed on the full dataset without any code changes, both for local execution, or with bursting to a cloud database (or other hosted database).

2:00 - Coffee Break (5-10 minutes) + Q&A in the room

2:10 - Selectors

Continuing on from joins, we'll introduce selectors as a means of quickly renaming and cleaning datasets, a powerful feature ~stolen~ inspired by dplyr.

2:30 - UDFs and sql passthrough

Demonstrate using UDFs to add custom operations.

Explain and demonstrate various "escape hatches" when you really need to use SQL directly.

3:00 - Coffee Break (5-10 minutes) + Q&A in the room

3:10 - PyPI data exploration and integration with the broader Python ecosystem

Demonstate projection pushdown and column pruning when operating on remote datasets. Explore questions about PyPI maintainers, search for typo-squatters, and try to find explanations for outliers using data from https://py-code.org/datasets.

Feed Ibis expressions into common plotting tools to look for outliers and demonstrate interoperability.

(Note: depending on conference wifi, even with column pruning and parquet files this may be untenable. We have backup exercises that perform the same analysis but make use of either the Clickhouse Playground or a sponsored SnowFlake account, so only basic internet connectivity will be required. Bonus: using Ibis means shifting to these backup options is a one-line operation!)

3:30- Intro to geospatial workflows

Introduction to using Ibis geospatial with supported backends. Short hands-on exercises using NYC subway and bike-share data to try to find the fastest way to get a pizza from one borough to another.

3:50 - Wrap-up

Additional Information

We have given versions of this tutorial (although shorter) at EuroSciPy 2023 and PyData NYC 2023.

EuroSciPy 2023: https://youtu.be/tkejUD5Uq40 PyData NYC 2023: https://youtu.be/TyopbrmlZx8

The content is significantly expanded from previous offerings and is structured for an approximately 3.5 to 4 hour block.

We are looking at swapping out the PyPI data exploration exercise for a more applicable set of problems for the SciPy audience and are currently vetting available datasets. The purpose of those exercises is to bring together all of the various methodologies covered in the previous sections and to demonstrate more realistic end-to-end data analysis problems. Our goal is that even if the particular problem set isn't a perfect match with an attendees field of study, that the lessons learned will be easily transferable to other data domains.

Pre-existing material and continued tutorial development all happening at: https://github.com/ibis-project/ibis-tutorial

ncclementi commented 5 months ago

@gforsyth and team I went to the Scipy OH andI noticed we are missing some content in the proposal, that I believe we can still edit. (I was waiting to give feedback until then, posted on slack but it probably got lost)

From the OH:

  1. A short bio of the presenter or team members, containing a description of past experiences as a trainer/teacher/speaker, and (ideally) links to videos of these experiences if available.

The information in this issue about previous experience as educators, it's not on pretalx (this is different than our bio, the revers don't check the bio necessarily)

They recommended putting this either in Notes or additional information.

  1. Detailed installation instructions for various common Python environments so that attendees can have everything ready for participating before heading to SciPy.

We should point that we will use codespaces, and/or a link to install guidelines.

  1. If available, the tutorial notes, slides, exercise files, and IPython notebooks, even if they are preliminary.

Part of this is in additional information at the moment but I mentioned that thsoe were shorter version. They highly encourage mentioning how we aim to taylored it to scipy,

  1. Mention somewhere and make explicit what the audience is.
cpcloud commented 5 months ago

I'll add details about the codespace setup.

cpcloud commented 5 months ago

Ah looks like someone already did that!

ncclementi commented 5 months ago

@cpcloud yup, Gil and I knocked it down this morning, sorry I should have pinged you too.

ncclementi commented 1 week ago

Closing as completed! 🎉