The resulting message that is provided to the app is
MFPSimplePushNotification :{url:null, payload:{"enableVibration":true,"importance":3,"lockScreenVisibility":1,"bypassDND":false,"lightColor":"GREEN","showBadge":true,"channelName":"My Channel Name","enableLights":true,"channelId":"Channel1"}, alert:My Message}
Following line seems to be the root cause of this issue.
When an Android app is active and receives a push notification the payload field of the message is overwritten with the channel data.
For example, when sending a message like following to the IBM Push Notifications ReST API
The resulting message that is provided to the app is
MFPSimplePushNotification :{url:null, payload:{"enableVibration":true,"importance":3,"lockScreenVisibility":1,"bypassDND":false,"lightColor":"GREEN","showBadge":true,"channelName":"My Channel Name","enableLights":true,"channelId":"Channel1"}, alert:My Message}
Following line seems to be the root cause of this issue.
Could you please fix that soon?