Closed Daiki-Kawanuma closed 6 years ago
@Daiki-Kawanuma The problem is with your local cocoa pods cache. Please do any of this
pod install --repo-update
pod repo update
pod install
@AnanthaKrish Thank you for your prompt reply.
I did "pod install --repo-update" but old version were still installed.
$ pod install --repo-update --verbose
Updating local specs repositories
Setting up CocoaPods master repo
Cloning spec repo `master` from `` (branch `master`)
Comparing resolved specification to the sandbox manifest
- BMSAnalyticsAPI
- BMSCore
- BMSPush
Downloading dependencies
-> Using BMSAnalyticsAPI (2.2.3)
-> Using BMSCore (2.3.5)
-> Using BMSPush (3.2.7)
- Running pre install hooks
Sending stats
- BMSAnalyticsAPI, 2.2.3
- BMSCore, 2.3.5
- BMSPush, 3.2.7
-> Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 3 total pods installed.
Do my local machine have any problem?
@Daiki-Kawanuma Try doing a pod update
.If thats not fixing the issue then try to uninstall the cocoa pods completely and install it again . Yeah , its a local machine issue .
I am able to get the latest pods for the push sample
@AnanthaKrish "$ pod update" works well!! I cloud install BMSPush 3.3.2.
I'm very thank you for your helping and I'm sorry for the inconvenience to you because of my local machine.
Hi, team.
I cloned this sample but I could not refer BMSPushClient#didReciveBMSPushNotification.
My Podfile is here(same as sample).
This Podfile seems to get the latest version.
"pod install" result is here.
It looks that I cloud not download the latest version(3.3.2). And, BMSPushClient#didReciveBMSPushNotification seems to be implemented only on the latest version.
Is not the latest version still on the pod repository?