ibm-cloud-architecture / refarch-cloudnative-devops-kubernetes

This project is part of the 'IBM Cloud Native Reference Architecture for Kubernetes' suite
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CI/CD Error in Step 5 Building the sample_pipeline #7

Closed rdrichar closed 6 years ago

rdrichar commented 6 years ago

I am trying the "Create and Run a Sample CI/CD Pipeline" path. I am on ICp and I have installed Jenkins 2.67 per these instructions. All looks OK. At Step 5/6 though, when I try to build my pipeline, I get the following error.

Started by user admin Obtained Jenkinsfile from git [Pipeline] podTemplate [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] node

Still waiting to schedule task jenkins-slave-5xldx-tbf2t is offline

Running on jenkins-slave-5xldx-tbf2t in /home/jenkins/workspace/sample_pipeline [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // podTemplate [Pipeline] End of Pipeline groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: scm for class: groovy.lang.Binding at groovy.lang.Binding.getVariable( at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onGetProperty( at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$ at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedGetProperty( at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedGetProperty( at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker.checkedGetProperty( at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.sandbox.SandboxInvoker.getProperty( at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.PropertyAccessBlock.rawGet( at at cps.transform(Native Method)

Any Ideas as to what's causing this problem and how I can fix it?

rdrichar commented 6 years ago

I found a fix here: The fix required me to install the Pipeline: Job plug-in for Jenkins. This turned out to be easy enough to do from the Jenkins plug-in manager.