ibm-cloud-architecture / refarch-cloudnative-mysql

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Can't find #6

Open patrocinio opened 7 years ago

patrocinio commented 7 years ago

Step 3 says

docker exec -it mysql sh

The script is in the scripts/, so the instructions should say

cd scripts

or sh scripts/


edludke commented 7 years ago

I get the following whether I specify the path or cd into scripts:

sh: 0: Can't open (or ./, or scripts/

I've now recreated this on 2 diff windows 7 docker platforms as well as 2 diff (one from the ground up) xubuntu VMs.

Ok, finally solved this for both xubuntu & Win7 64 bit (docker toolkit).

On my clean xubuntu image. The steps are likely correct - though I think the following is important: 

- when you issue the 'run' command, make sure you're in the `refarch-cloudnative` dir (because of this bit here "...-v $PWD/scripts:/home/scripts -p ..." from the original run cmd.

- use this command when running the load script (note the `./`):
`docker exec -it mysql sh ./` the /home/scripts is not in the mysql container's path.  

For the docker toolbox (on Win7 64bit) version, everything above is true but also:

- since I'm running in the docker quick start terminal, I needed to use the linux version. The docker terminal does not recognize %CD%.

- lastly, not sure if this is something I'm doing wrong, but I had to (in notepad++) convert the script to use unix EOLs. 

Hope this helps someone else. And wish there was a user2user forum somewhere for this sort of information....