ibm-garage-ref-storefront / planning

StoreFront Reference Architecture planning
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Appsodify catalog microservice #48

Closed phemankita closed 4 years ago

phemankita commented 4 years ago

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Old Repo -

Note: Make sure the api rest endpoints are same as the ones we using the spring version so that the web app will be functional for both of them. If they are different in th eolder version, change them to match the current spring version.

Endpoint - /micro/items

phemankita commented 4 years ago

The rest client is not able to hit the url and retrieve info

[Container] [INFO] java.lang.NullPointerException
[Container] [INFO] [err] java.lang.NullPointerException
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.AbstractClient.checkClientException(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.AbstractClient.preProcessResult(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ClientProxyImpl.doChainedInvocation(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ClientProxyImpl.invoke(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.microprofile.client.proxy.MicroProfileClientProxyImpl.invokeActual(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.microprofile.client.proxy.MicroProfileClientProxyImpl.access$000(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.microprofile.client.proxy.MicroProfileClientProxyImpl$
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.microprofile.client.cdi.CDIInterceptorWrapperImpl.invoke(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.microprofile.client.proxy.MicroProfileClientProxyImpl.invoke(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy91.getAllItems(Unknown Source)
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at
[Container] [INFO] [err] Caused by: 
[Container] [INFO] [err] java.lang.NullPointerException
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.spec.ClientRequestFilterInterceptor.handleMessage(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.AbstractClient.doRunInterceptorChain(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.microprofile.client.proxy.MicroProfileClientProxyImpl.doRunInterceptorChain(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.ClientProxyImpl.doChainedInvocation(
[Container] [INFO] [err]    ... 8 more```
phemankita commented 4 years ago

We have this issue here. There was a problem like this before and the fix is released for the openliberty version but the current stack is using openliberty version

I checked with one of the devs working on stacks and they have a PR ready for updated version pointing to and mentioned that they will be updating it in next couple of days. They suggested us to re-build if needed.

@csantanapr do we want to wait on them for the fix or go ahead and build a local stack to make things work ?

csantanapr commented 4 years ago

Let's build our own and push it to DockerHub for now

csantanapr commented 4 years ago

Past experience they take for ever to pick updates on stacks.

phemankita commented 4 years ago