ibm-messaging / mq-jms-spring

Components to assist MQ JMS integration with Spring frameworks
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How to define IBM MQ connection details when using spring config server #73

Closed akhettar closed 2 years ago

akhettar commented 2 years ago

Hell0 there, this is not an issue rather a question. Apologies, I did not know where to post such a question.

I am using spring cloud config server to define application property in a centralized config server - see

I was wondering how to define these properties when using the centralized config serer

Bear in mind the way properties are defined when using the config server is as follow:


  region: emea
  awsRegion: eu-west-1

  property-1: value1
      queueManager: QM1
      channel: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
      connName: localhost(1414)

JMSTemalate expects the IBM connection details to be at the root of the property file. Is there a way of creating a connection factory for the JMSTemplate dynamically?

Thanks in advance

akhettar commented 2 years ago

Sorry the prefix of the config file is not needed in the property file, hence the IBM properties can be at the root.