ibm-messaging / mq-mqi-nodejs

Calling IBM MQ from Node.js - a JavaScript MQI wrapper
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Fail to connect with SSL #142

Open zkxil opened 2 years ago

zkxil commented 2 years ago

I created a kdb with pem runmqakm -keydb -create -db key.kdb -pw ****** -type cms -stash runmqakm -cert -add -db key.kdb -label sdpimqcert -file mysv.pem -pw ****** I put all the "key.kdb" "key.rdb" "key.sth"" key.crl" files to config folder, then I set this key to key repository sco.KeyRepository = "./config/key";

After deploying, I got error: MQ call failed in CONNX: MQCC = MQCC_FAILED [2] MQRC = MQRC_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE [2538] I telneted the mq server, it can be connected. Can you please help me about this issue.

ibmmqmet commented 2 years ago

Not enough information here. The error logs on the client and/or the qmgr should have a lot more details about the error.

zkxil commented 2 years ago

Not enough information here. The error logs on the client and/or the qmgr should have a lot more details about the error. Here's the error log.

----- amqxeida.c : 6752 -------------------------------------------------------
06/30/22 16:16:54 - Process(1.1) User(1006100000) Program(node)
                    Host(saas-scheduled-job-698bc8bcb8-w9ltk) Installation(MQNI92L22020700P)
                    ArithInsert1(104) ArithInsert2(104)
                    CommentInsert1(g42pa00002364 (X.XXX.XX.XXX)(1414))
                    CommentInsert3( read())

AMQ9208E: Error on receive from host g42pa00002364 (X.XXX.XX.XXX)(1414).

An error occurred receiving data from g42pa00002364 (X.XXX.XX.XXX)(1414) over
TCP/IP. This may be due to a communications failure.
The return code from the TCP/IP read() call was 104 (X'68'). Record these
values and tell the systems administrator.
ibmmqmet commented 2 years ago

So that's part of the information. What about the qmgr error logs?

zkxil commented 2 years ago

So that's part of the information. What about the qmgr error logs?

That's all information from MQ client. About qmgr error logs, are they from MQ server?

ibmmqmet commented 2 years ago
