ibm-s390-linux / s390-tools

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fdasd on resized DASD leads to BUG statement and fdasd can not fix this disk #166

Open stefan-haberland opened 3 months ago

stefan-haberland commented 3 months ago

When a DASD device gets resized and formatted using dasdfmt -M expand calling fdasd afterwards might lead to the following BUG statement:

BUG: specified free space extent for deleting not found in FMT5/7 DSCB!

Afterwards fdasd is not able to use the expanded portion of the disk.

Workflow to recreate:

  1. resize DASD
  2. call dasdfmt -M expand /dev/dasdX
  3. call fdasd in interactive mode
    • r - re-create VTOC and delete all partitions
    • re create old partitions OR
    • u - re-create VTOC re-using existing partition sizes
  4. try to create new partition -> BUG

NOTE: It works if fdasd is only called in interactive mode to "r - re-create VTOC and delete all partitions" and the re-creation of the partition layout is done using fdasd -c CONFIGFILE.