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Fix grey img divs on strategy pages #143

Open mikebroberg opened 6 years ago

mikebroberg commented 6 years ago

Not all collections have images associated with them, but @bradnoble asked today to remove the grey background if there were no image displayed. Live site is currently:

Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 2.36.44 PM.png

I have this fixed in brobes-test-3, but we'll need to standardize our image thumbnails better so the rows don't get so big.

mikebroberg commented 6 years ago

@vabarbosa We'll need the stylized images for these pages whenever you're done with your current whammy-ness.

mikebroberg commented 6 years ago

Chatted with @bradnoble last week, and he mentioned he might know someone in design who could help us with these images.