ibm-watson-data-lab / shopping-list

A series of Offline First shopping list demo apps, each built using a different stack.
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Landing Page Summarizing the Demo Apps #93

Open bradley-holt opened 7 years ago

bradley-holt commented 7 years ago

We should create a landing page to aggregate these different demo apps, somewhat similar to:

This should be created as a GitHub pages website using a gh-pages branch of the main shopping-list repo (which would place the URL for this at For each implementation we should capture (at a minimum):

Much of this info is already in the README file, but we can make this information more digestable on a landing page.

ptitzler commented 6 years ago

According to the documentation we cannot use a branch other than master:

If your site is a User or Organization Page that has a repository named or, you cannot publish your site's source files from different locations. User and Organization Pages that have this type of repository name are only published from the master branch.

Oddly enough this does work.

isc-rsingh commented 6 years ago

I think you're misunderstanding the docs @ptitzler (I went back over it multiple times too). They mean if your repo name is, it has to use the master branch for GH publication. This repo's name is shopping-list so that rule doesn't apply.

bradley-holt commented 6 years ago

@ptitzler What @rajrsingh said. 😄

You should be able to create new orphan gh-pages branch with something like the following:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
touch index.html
git add index.html
git commit -m "Make index"
git push -u origin gh-pages
ptitzler commented 6 years ago

Yup, my interpretation wasn't correct. I tested this in my own org.

ptitzler commented 6 years ago

Catalogued the following demo app implementations:

Each entry is backed by a metadata file in The structure of each metadata file is as shown in the following example:

title:      Cordova and PouchDB
headline:   Learn how to build an Offline First shopping list demo app using <a href="">Cordova</a> and <a href="">PouchDB</a>
type: Hybrid Mobile App
author:     Glynn Bird

The title, headline, repo_url, author and author_url properties are required. The following type values are considered valid: Progressive Web App, Native Mobile App, Hybrid Mobile App and Desktop App. (case matters!)

To add another demo app simply create a new metadata file in, using the following naming convention: <app_framework>_<offline_framework>.

isc-rsingh commented 6 years ago

@ptitzler can PWAs be the first/default tab on the page?

bradley-holt commented 6 years ago

@ptitzler Following on the comment from @rajrsingh, the ideal tab order would be:

  1. Progressive Web Apps
  2. Hybrid Mobile Apps
  3. Native Mobile Apps
  4. Desktop Apps
ptitzler commented 6 years ago
vabarbosa commented 6 years ago

@ptitzler initial commit of vanilla js tutorial:

ptitzler commented 6 years ago

Metadata was added @vabarbosa

vabarbosa commented 6 years ago

@ptitzler initial draft for electron tutorial: