ibm-watson-data-lab / shopping-list

A series of Offline First shopping list demo apps, each built using a different stack.
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Bring README template in line with Code Patterns Guide #97

Closed lornajane closed 6 years ago

lornajane commented 6 years ago

Fixes #96 by following the guidelines at and borrowing heavily from Patrick's README in the polymer/PouchDB shopping list project.

bradley-holt commented 6 years ago

Looks great to me! Some minor notes:

lornajane commented 6 years ago

The template from the Code Pattern Guide has the content from another project; I left in Patrick's content since I thought we were more likely to reuse that than something from an unrelated project, but I can either remove it entirely or switch to the supplied example content if either of those seem more useful?

bradley-holt commented 6 years ago

I think it's OK. I'd say we just leave it.

I'll go ahead and merge this.