If the current branch matches the pattern of a release branch, fetch openj9/omr branches of the same name.
This will work for a normal release, and can be overwritten for special cases. It avoids having to modify a release branch after creation in order to get the matching openj9/omr release branches. Further changes to the release branch can be pushed rather than merged, as long as the release branch matches the head stream.
If the current branch matches the pattern of a release branch, fetch openj9/omr branches of the same name.
This will work for a normal release, and can be overwritten for special cases. It avoids having to modify a release branch after creation in order to get the matching openj9/omr release branches. Further changes to the release branch can be pushed rather than merged, as long as the release branch matches the head stream.
Backport of https://github.com/ibmruntimes/openj9-openjdk-jdk/pull/660