ibnishak / Tekkan

A Node based offline Trello Clone mainly for debian systems
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configure add card/list colours #6

Open sant0s opened 1 year ago

sant0s commented 1 year ago

Congratulations for Tekkan!

It'd be nice if, besides bg, navbg, listbg, textcolor and card, the following colours could also be tweaked:

Additionally, the documentation at https://ibnishak.github.io/Tekkan/#How%20to%20add%20custom%20palettes could be improved by replacing the 2nd step with something like:

Fill in the tiddler with the following information:

Name: $:/Tekan/Palette/<YourColourPaletteName> Tag: $:/Tekan/Palette Type: application/x-tiddler-dictionary Content:

bg: <board background colour>
navbg: <navigation bar background colour> 
listbg: <list background colour> 
textcolor: <list title, card content, list action items, etc. foreground colour>
card: <? colour>
cardaddcolor: <"Add card" foreground colour>
listaddcolor: <"Add list" foreground colour>

I could not find where card is used. cardaddcolor and listaddcolor above are just name suggestions for the newly configured colours.