ibnishak / Timimi

Webextension to save Tiddlywiki
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Timimi and TW5-dropbox #70

Open Peter-8702 opened 3 years ago

Peter-8702 commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

Timimi worked flawlessly for the past months with a local TW5 html file. I now move it to dropbox to use it witth TW5-dropbox by @Arlen21 and no backups are written anymore.

Any suggestions? Kind regards, Peter

monomycelium commented 2 years ago

May I see the Backup location of your timimi settings? I made a new subdirectory named backups inside the same directory as my html file and just entered backups for the Backup location. Backups are named in this convention: Wiki-Backup-[count].html.