For long simulations (longer than a few weeks), the local timezone may shift by one hour for daylight savings. We currently do not support that in the weekly schedule. Moreover, different regions perform the shift at different timestamps so we cannot hardcode the shift. My proposal would be to add optional support for this by adding a line in the config file like the two ones at the bottom:
# Comments start with a #
mon:0:0:10 - 3 1 -
# Comments can be added in the table too
tue,thu:20:30:59 123 - 45 -
wed 12 1 4 -
# users can set a timezone using a unix timestamp
1711877694 summertime
1730367294 wintertime
The switch would only work if the Modelica built in variable time is in the same range as the unix time stamp used since the weekly schedule does not know which year we are in.
It is called daylight saving time rather than summertime, so I suggest to change the keyword
It would be better to start with the keyword as then, if other keywords are added, parsing should be easier if it is key word followed by (as set of) values, rather than the other way around
Why unix time stamp rather than seconds since Jan 1, and then assume has periodicity of 1 year. I don't think many users are familiar with/deal regularly with unix time stamps.
Are these entries optional?
Daylight savings time is usually starting at 2am. Will this also work if a schedule starts at 1:30, e.g., it will pass "1:30" twice, once before and once after the change?
For long simulations (longer than a few weeks), the local timezone may shift by one hour for daylight savings. We currently do not support that in the weekly schedule. Moreover, different regions perform the shift at different timestamps so we cannot hardcode the shift. My proposal would be to add optional support for this by adding a line in the config file like the two ones at the bottom:
The switch would only work if the Modelica built in variable
is in the same range as the unix time stamp used since the weekly schedule does not know which year we are in.Would it make sense to add this to IBPSA?