ibraheemdev / modern-unix

A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
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Please Suggest a file manager among these #136

Closed KAGEYAM4 closed 6 months ago

KAGEYAM4 commented 6 months ago

I was looking to learning a tui file-manager, and the list of tui-file manager is quite big and i am not able to differentiate between them https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Midnight_Commander https://github.com/ranger/ranger https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi https://github.com/dylanaraps/fff https://github.com/kamiyaa/joshuto https://github.com/jarun/nnn https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr https://vifm.info

Is there no one among these that can be added to this repo to be called moden & following unix philosophy?

chapmanjacobd commented 6 months ago

Midnight Commander is solid but yes it is a bit old-school.

xplr looks promising, but I'm not sure if the idea of a file manager can really follow unix philosophy.

On desktop I definitely prefer Krusader (which is similar to MC; for Mac marta also looks good) but honestly I hardly ever need a file manager.

Instead I use:

Show file tree:

function f
    setterm -linewrap off
    tree -FLh 3 --sort=mtime --dirsfirst --prune --du --noreport -up -C $argv | grep -v '/$'
    setterm -linewrap on

Show folder tree

function l
    setterm -linewrap off
    tree -Lh 2 --sort=mtime --dirsfirst -d -h --prune --du -up -C $argv
    setterm -linewrap on

Both of these default to two levels. You can use l -L 3 to see three levels of folders. To search the output you could use less -FSRXc or use your terminal's scrollback search feature (eg. in kitty ctrl-shift-h)

I'm not sure what you would need a file manager for beyond these tasks ? If you have something that requires a file manager workflow it usually is better to switch to a software that is specific to the types of files that you are working wih: ACDSee, NLE video editors, and VS Code are good examples of these types of tools that incorporate file trees and direct manipulation.

sxyazi commented 6 months ago

Check out Yazi, https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi :

Also see this article: Why is Yazi Fast?



KAGEYAM4 commented 6 months ago

I am also leaning towards yazai.