ibrain-one / ibrain

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Event System Integration #3

Closed mouimet-infinisoft closed 1 month ago

mouimet-infinisoft commented 1 month ago



mouimet-infinisoft commented 1 month ago
Event Name Description Payload Data Structure
speech.speaking Emitted before the application starts the text-to-speech process, indicating speech initiation. none.
speech.silent Emitted after the text-to-speech process has completed, indicating that the application is now silent. none.
speech2text.result Emitted when speech recognition produces text, carrying the recognized text as its payload. { text: string }
communication.user Emitted when a user communication is added, signifying new user input that needs processing. { text: string }
communication.ai Emitted when an AI (or assistant) communication is added, indicating an AI-generated response or message. { text: string }
ibrain.speak Suggested by the context to be used for initiating speech output, likely related to AI responses. Not explicitly shown in the snippets but inferred from the unsubscribe function mention. { text: string }