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Team Call #33

Open mouimet-infinisoft opened 3 weeks ago

mouimet-infinisoft commented 3 weeks ago


  1. Greet Adonai and Aryan warmly.
  2. Introduce myself briefly.
  3. Thank them for their interest in participating in the iBrain project.


  1. Start with a casual icebreaker to break the initial tension and make everyone comfortable. Ask about their backgrounds, interests, or any previous experience with similar projects.

Overview of the iBrain Project:

  1. Overview of the iBrain project, including its goals, objectives, and the problem it aims to solve.
  2. My vision for the project's future and how you envision it evolving with their contributions.

Individual Introductions:

  1. Allow Adonai and Aryan to introduce themselves, including their backgrounds, skills, and any relevant experience they have.
  2. Encourage them to share what sparked their interest in the iBrain project and what they hope to contribute.

Discussion on Contributions:

  1. Discuss the specific areas where Adonai and Aryan can contribute based on their skills and interests.
  2. Share the current status of the project, ongoing tasks, and any flagged issues that need attention.
  3. Brainstorm potential ideas or features they could work on and encourage them to share their own ideas as well.

Collaboration and Communication:

  1. Discuss how you will collaborate moving forward, including communication channels (e.g., Slack, email, GitHub), meeting schedules, and preferred modes of communication.
  2. Set expectations regarding response times, availability for meetings, and project deadlines.
  3. Emphasize the importance of teamwork and encourage open communication throughout the project.

Next Steps:

  1. Summarize the key points discussed during the call.
  2. Agree on action items and next steps for each participant.
  3. Schedule follow-up meetings or check-ins as needed to keep the momentum going.


  1. Thank Adonai and Aryan for their time and participation.
  2. Express your enthusiasm for working together and your confidence in the success of the iBrain project.
  3. End the call on a positive note and reiterate your excitement about the journey ahead.