ibrokemycomputer / gnome-shell-extension-ssh-quick-connect

Adds launchers for all items in your ssh config file to a dropdown in the panel.
11 stars 8 forks source link

optionally read input from /etc/ssh/ssh_config in addition to ~/.ssh/config #1

Closed turbomettwurst closed 2 years ago

turbomettwurst commented 4 years ago

Title pretty much says everything. I have all my Hosts configured globally in /etc/ssh/ssh_config. It would be great if those could be read in as well

ibrokemycomputer commented 4 years ago

@turbomettwurst I agree! It is on my uncommitted TODO list :smile: Hopefully I'll get to it this week, I have a quick optimization to do so I can publish it in the GNOME extension directory but I'll make this request priority #2!

ibrokemycomputer commented 2 years ago

Hi @turbomettwurst , I just added this to the plugin! Thank you for the suggestion.

I want to make it more user-friendly by using a nicer list that is loaded based on the files provided, and has the options to sort/hide/etc the files AND the Hosts it finds in those files. "Baby steps" I suppose...
