ibrokemycomputer / gnome-shell-extension-ssh-quick-connect

Adds launchers for all items in your ssh config file to a dropdown in the panel.
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Using alternative config file #20

Open saberder opened 1 year ago

saberder commented 1 year ago

OS is Ubuntu Jammy my default ssh config is in .ssh/config

I set up a extension_config file for this extension and set that as the "SSH Config Locations" field in the gui.

While it reads the hosts from the extension_config file in the display list, I discovered that it reads the actual configs from the config file still. So to make it work i have to setup the config in config and then only the Host in extension_config.

Working setup: .ssh/config:

Host server1
  User admin
  IdentiyFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.1


Host server1

Not working setup: .ssh/config:


Host server1
  User admin
  IdentiyFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.1