ibrokemycomputer / gnome-shell-extension-ssh-quick-connect

Adds launchers for all items in your ssh config file to a dropdown in the panel.
11 stars 8 forks source link

Broken on Gnome 45 (Ubuntu 23.10) #24

Closed hcs-catchscan closed 7 months ago

hcs-catchscan commented 7 months ago

The SSH Quick Connect extension is broken on a stock Ubuntu 23.10 install. The following error is emitted:

The settings of extension ssh-quick-connect@ibrokemy.computer had an error:

SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module

Stack trace:

hcs-catchscan commented 7 months ago

Related: https://github.com/ibrokemycomputer/gnome-shell-extension-ssh-quick-connect/issues/23

ibrokemycomputer commented 7 months ago

@hcs-catchscan #23 (theoretically) just needed a metadata.json update.

However, GNOME 45 did introduce breaking changes with a switch to module imports (which I'm just now learning... sorry I've been behind!)


I'll try to get this extension updated and packaged before next week but no promises :/

hcs-catchscan commented 7 months ago

Don't apologize. Your users are grateful for your work, including me. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to work on this project.

laudecioliveira commented 7 months ago

Hi, I have a forked your code and did some changes and get it working on gnome 45. I will try to propose a merge so you be able to test the code..

laudecioliveira commented 7 months ago

Gnome 45 working version on https://github.com/laudecioliveira/gnome-shell-extension-ssh-quick-connect , how can I propose a merge?

ibrokemycomputer commented 7 months ago

@laudecioliveira Thank you! I started the conversion over the weekend but didn't get to finishing it. I'll happily take a look and merge it.

You'll need to create a new pull request. If you aren't sure how to I can do that for you. I haven't looked at your repo yet, but if you'd like me to submit the PR (merge) can you confirm which branch to use?

ibrokemycomputer commented 7 months ago

@laudecioliveira I merged this in :) Once I test it I'll package it up and upload it to the Gnome Extensions site.

Thank you!

ibrokemycomputer commented 7 months ago

@laudecioliveira For some reason I was getting errors about a missing schema_id. I made a few tweaks and this is all working as expected on Gnome 45!