ibrokemycomputer / gnome-shell-extension-ssh-quick-connect

Adds launchers for all items in your ssh config file to a dropdown in the panel.
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FEAT: Allow for list to be scrollable/searchable #6

Open jpSimkins opened 2 years ago

jpSimkins commented 2 years ago

I just found this and it's great! The only issue I have is that I have about 100 SSH connections configured. I can only access part of that list since this is not scrollable. Unfortunately, the one's I need to use the most are not visible so I can't use this. Please make the list scrollable please!

Also, a search feature would be very helpful too! I would like to search and filter the list that way.

eliohann commented 5 months ago

Great idea ... i'm using about 65 entries in config file and cannot use them all through this extension. Any news about when it'll be available for user ? @jpSimkins : i'm using SSH search provider Extension now (waiting for the feature to be available) ... it allows you to search with gnome integrated search engine through entries in config file, and when you click the entry you want, it opens a terminal with ssh to the entry