Closed JustPlayN closed 6 years ago
<div v-show="section > 0" v-scroll-spy-active="{class: 'banner-active'}" v-scroll-spy-link></div>
this div block in wxchat will show first. and then hide right now
我用v-scroll-spy="{data: 'section', offset: 50}"提供的section来控制导航的显示与隐藏,但是在微信里会默认先显示,然后再立即隐藏,我想直接隐藏,手动改变section时在显示
可以 watch section,变化了之后把 v-show 变为 true
Vue version: 2.5.16
vue2-scrollspy version: 2.3.1
this div block in wxchat will show first. and then hide right now