ibuildthecloud / systemd-docker

Wrapper for "docker run" to handle systemd quirks
Apache License 2.0
720 stars 111 forks source link

Is this maintained? #35

Open ibuildthecloud opened 8 years ago

ibuildthecloud commented 8 years ago

Sad to say this docker image is not actively maintained. Due to my current work situation I do not have the time to dedicate to properly ensure that this software continues to work. While I still very actively use Docker, I am no longer a user of systemd. Since I don't use this software myself any more, I'm not confident to say that it will continue to work.

systemd-docker from the beginning was a hack to work around incompatibilities between systemd and Docker. The intention was that overtime proper solutions could be found and systemd-docker could be phased out. Unfortunately that has not happened fast enough. There has not been much progress made on reconciling the difference between these two camps.

With the recent additions in Docker for --cgroup-parent and --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=cgroupfs it is possible that there is a better approach than what systemd-docker does today. Unfortunately I don't have time to investigate this, it would still be a slight hack, and wouldn't work out of the box on CoreOS or CentOS/RHEL without first disabling the Docker systemd cgroup driver.

systemd-docker has been pulled over 500,000 times so I have good reason to believe it is used by a good amount of people. If there is anybody interested in taking over ownership of this project I'll gladly redirect traffic to a better maintained fork.

larsdecker commented 8 years ago

Thanks for merging. The new version works perfect.

tedkulp commented 8 years ago

Looks like it works great now. The only issue I see is that the latest tag on the docker hub is still pointing to an older version. You have to force the v0.2.1 tag in all your fleetctl files now (I'm on CoreOS).

Not sure how hard it is to fix that.


callbacknull commented 8 years ago

@tedkulp You don't want to be using the :latest tag regardless - that's a dangerous practice that'll bite you butt later on. The :latest tag points to the most recent build preformed regardless of the semver version.