ic-labs / django-icekit

GLAMkit is a next-generation Python CMS by the Interaction Consortium, designed especially for the cultural sector.
MIT License
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Building django....... ERROR: invalid reference format #287

Open arigbs opened 6 years ago

arigbs commented 6 years ago

I get this error when running docker-compose build --pull. New to GLAMkit and Docker, so it's likely I missed something, but I have gone through the steps repeatedly, all tips appreciated.

jmurty commented 6 years ago

Hi @arigbs can you confirm that you are following the Docker Quickstart instructions here https://github.com/ic-labs/django-icekit ?

We haven't seen that error before, but Googling around it sounds like it can be caused by using a project/branch/commit name that Docker doesn't like.

It's just a guess at this stage, but maybe you used characters that Docker doesn't like in your project name. Can you try using only lowercase and underscore characters when you create a new project at quickstart step 1?

arigbs commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jmurty , that worked, apparently I had a character in the repository name I used which was not accepted by docker. I ran into a couple of more issues: 1) The first time I ran $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django, I got this error repeatedly: Error starting userland proxy: Bind for unexpected error Permission denied. I searched and got a hint that the :8000 port might be locked up with other processes and workarounds offered suggested tearing down the container and building a new one and restarting docker and deleting some file. Luckily I thought to change the line ports:

2) I tried to build the site using manage.py import_site_map [options] and I kept getting this error: Unknown command: 'import_site_map' Type 'manage.py help' for usage.

again, not easily searchable, so I'm still headscratching on that one.

I would love to be able to get help / document solutions found for such issues as I go along. This issues thread here seems better suited for core dev issues, please is there a forum better suited for 'how-to' type interaction for those of us experimenting with GLAMkit so that simple installation or usage errors are first discussed there and only escalated here as bugs when proven to be?

KSWadwicz commented 4 years ago

change the icekit branch in the generated requirements-icekit.txt from @master to @develop.