I worked on the login and create account components.
Major issues and challenges were learning how to use react and create components.
For the coming iteration I am planning on getting more familiar with react, redux, and also with node and express. I will then try to implement these into the project. I will also try to complete the login and create account components.
For the past two weeks, I worked on learning React and Redux, making our Navbar and User Profile Page, styling the page and redesigning our app idea.
Some issues and challenges was reading the code and design choices of other members and understanding them before styling and adjusting the layout of our web app.
For the next to weeks, I plan to learn more about Redux in order to properly implement it into our project and also see how we can implement Express in the future.
For this scrum report, I worked on drafting up the new idea for this project, fleshing out the idea and making sure it fit into the requirements for this project while also satisfying what I originally wanted the app to accomplish. I also worked on implementing the main component, the searchbar and search results. I styled the components as well.
Some issues I ran into were during brainstorming, and making sure that the project fell within the limitations of this course. Also I wanted to figure out how to implement some of the stretch goals that I want to see this project accomplish.
For the next two weeks, I want to add a backend and redux to the project and get an actual data flow implemented and working. I want to accomplish implementing login functionality, and perhaps implement some actual functionality to do with uploading sentences and making comments.
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