icanos / hassio-plejd

Hass.io add-on for Plejd home automation devices
Apache License 2.0
126 stars 37 forks source link

0.10.0 breaks DAL-01 #284

Closed telf3 closed 11 months ago

telf3 commented 1 year ago

First of all i'm aware that DAL-01 is "Not tested, not supported". However mine was working prior to the 0.10.0 release.

Rolling back to 0.9.1 solves the issue for me.

2023-08-24 00:16:58 ERR [plejd-api] Error trying to create output device: Error: Unknown device type with id 12
2023-08-24 00:16:58 WRN [plejd-api] device (from API response) when error happened: {
  "deviceId": "E5701FBB2DD7",
  "siteId": "--redacted--",
  "title": "Ledskenor",
  "traits": 11,
  "hiddenFromRoomList": false,
  "roomId": "--redacted--",
  "createdAt": "2023-08-23T21:08:42.442Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-08-23T21:09:04.418Z",
  "hiddenFromIntegrations": false,
  "outputType": "LIGHT",
  "ACL": {},
  "objectId": "W0UfFWsqjA",
  "__type": "Object",
  "className": "Device"
2023-08-24 00:16:58 WRN [plejd-api] plejdDevice (from API response) when error happened: {
  "deviceId": "E5701FBB2DD7",
  "installer": {
    "__type": "Pointer",
    "className": "_User",
    "objectId": "X270HmEl83"
  "hardwareId": "12",
  "faceplateId": "0",
  "firmware": {
    "notes": "DAL-01",
    "createdAt": "2021-05-18T12:04:03.357Z",
    "updatedAt": "2021-05-19T08:35:11.853Z",
    "data": {
      "__type": "File",
      "name": "4d862e90fa5dc0e683dd0386ac4ef531_application.bin",
      "url": "https://cloud.plejd.com/parse/files/zHtVqXt8k4yFyk2QGmgp48D9xZr2G94xWYnF4dak/4d862e90fa5dc0e683dd0386ac4ef531_application.bin"
    "metaData": {
      "__type": "File",
      "name": "4f0fa6376fac65a82e430c3272898975_application.dat",
      "url": "https://cloud.plejd.com/parse/files/zHtVqXt8k4yFyk2QGmgp48D9xZr2G94xWYnF4dak/4f0fa6376fac65a82e430c3272898975_application.dat"
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "buildTime": 20210510145612,
    "firmwareApi": "5",
    "ACL": {},
    "objectId": "dREAAtC1s4",
    "__type": "Object",
    "className": "Firmware"
  "createdAt": "2022-04-01T13:47:27.701Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-08-23T21:09:03.262Z",
  "diagnostics": "0F000B002A002A00000000000000",
  "faceplateUpdatedAt": "2023-08-23T21:08:42.398Z",
  "dirtyClock": false,
  "dirtyInstall": false,
  "dirtySettings": false,
  "dirtyUpdate": false,
  "siteId": "--redacted--",
  "coordinates": {
    "__type": "GeoPoint",
    "latitude": --redacted--,
    "longitude": --redacted--
  "predefinedLoad": {
    "loadType": "DALI",
    "createdAt": "2021-03-08T12:08:35.934Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-06-22T13:59:41.228Z",
    "defaultDimCurve": {
      "__type": "Pointer",
      "className": "DimCurve",
      "objectId": "xGBw2qRHoE"
    "descriptionKey": "DALIDescription",
    "titleKey": "DALITitle",
    "predefinedLoadData": "{\n   \"Order\":1,\n   \"Min\":0,\n   \"Max\":100,\n   \"Start\":0,\n   \"OutputSpeed\":0.1,\n   \"OutputType\":\"LIGHT\",\n   \"BootState\":\"UseLast\",\n   \"UserDefined\":[\n      \"DALIScan\",\n      \"SimpleStart\"\n   ],\n   \"Settings\":[\n      \"SimpleStart\",\n      \"Max\",\n      \"DAPCControl\"\n   ]\n}",
    "allowedDimCurves": {
      "__type": "Relation",
      "className": "DimCurve"
    "ACL": {
      "*": {
        "read": true
    "objectId": "CvNVNVOukZ",
    "__type": "Object",
    "className": "PredefinedLoad"
  "ACL": {},
  "objectId": "sC3XZ7MjJS",
  "__type": "Object",
  "className": "PlejdDevice"

I'm thinking that this commit is probably the reason for this: 0ed2ad8

SweVictor commented 1 year ago

@telf3: Interesting!

Agree with your analysis of what caused the issue.

We (I) have basically no info on how the DAL-01 works. Could you share some additional info? Anything would be helpful, but specifically:


telf3 commented 1 year ago

@SweVictor I don't know for sure since my electrician performed the install. But I will do my best to answer.

SweVictor commented 1 year ago

Alright, thanks!

Can you control your 7 devices individually or are they treated as one light by Plejd?

telf3 commented 1 year ago

They are treated as one light.

SweVictor commented 1 year ago

Great, thanks for the info @telf3 !

I've updated the Develop branch at https://github.com/icanos/hassio-plejd/tree/develop.

Hopefully, this should add "official" support for DAL-01 based on your input. It can be installed using the manual install method in the README.

If you (or anyone else) tests it, please report back if it works/not!


telf3 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the quick response! @SweVictor

I just installed the development branch, initially it seems to be working great. Will let you know if any issues appear.

SweVictor commented 11 months ago

Planned for 0.11