icanos / hassio-plejd

Hass.io add-on for Plejd home automation devices
Apache License 2.0
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Looking for DWN-02 and OUT-01 owners! #289

Open SweVictor opened 11 months ago

SweVictor commented 11 months ago

Do you have either the DWN-02 or the OUT-01?

If so - please post the log row starting with Unknown device type during startup, as well as the subsequent ones. We're looking for the internal hardware ID.

Relates to #287

Kimrobin98 commented 11 months ago

hi, im currently using thomaslovens integration but it doessent work with my downlights, so im looking for other alternatives..

i currently have 14 DWN-02 powered with no integration and 12 more new in boxes so im happy to help you (and myself :P) but how do i get the internal hardware id?

SweVictor commented 11 months ago

@Kimrobin98: During startup, you should see a message similar to Unknown device type with an id specified. Just post that line and we'll see. Since the DWN-xx devices seem to be quite different compared to many others, if you can a full log would be appreciated. See #287 for that discussion and instructions on what's needed. How to extract full logs is in the readme.

Kimrobin98 commented 11 months ago

@SweVictor Hi, is this what you are looking for?

"deviceId": "CE01F10E6032", "siteId": "e6f7cddb-6582-4c39-b485-6982803b5f0f", "title": "Downlights", "traits": 9, "hiddenFromRoomList": false, "roomId": "fb9f0653-3ceb-45f2-bca8-50321c704cc8", "createdAt": "2023-09-09T23:20:53.424Z", "updatedAt": "2023-09-09T23:20:53.424Z", "ACL": {}, "objectId": "vsrOcHN4TG", "__type": "Object", "className": "Device"

SweVictor commented 11 months ago

@SweVictor Hi, is this what you are looking for?

No, sorry. We are looking for a numeric hardware ID. The log row I mentioned above should tell you. The newest release will say Unknown device type with hardware id ....

As I wrote, if you can, a full log (including the full site json (scrubbed if you want) would be helpful to see how Plejd shares info about these new device types. Given the new grouping (see linked issue) they are for sure somewhat different.

Kimrobin98 commented 11 months ago

I tried following the guide to get full logs but i dont realy understand them, i have home assistant os installed on a vm under unraid.

Kimrobin98 commented 11 months ago

@SweVictor does this look better? If i could get some clearer instructions on full logs i can get those aswell.

2023-10-10 17:05:00 ERR [plejd-api] Error trying to create output device: Error: Unknown device type with hardware id 199. --- PLEASE POST THIS AND THE NEXT LOG ROWS to https://github.com/icanos/hassio-plejd/issues/ --- 2023-10-10 17:05:00 WRN [plejd-api] device (from API response) when error happened: { "deviceId": "D8590B7E4E7C", "siteId": "e6f7cddb-6582-4c39-b485-6982803b5f0f", "title": "Taklys", "traits": 15, "hiddenFromRoomList": false, "roomId": "36dd8728-fd1f-4426-83bf-19bf40f3a49c", "createdAt": "2023-07-12T15:38:14.368Z", "updatedAt": "2023-07-12T15:38:58.141Z", "hiddenFromIntegrations": false, "outputType": "LIGHT", "ACL": {}, "objectId": "lxsXhkNswp", "__type": "Object", "className": "Device"

SweVictor commented 11 months ago

@SweVictor does this look better? ...

Yes, thanks! The "199" is the one we're looking for! There are some log rows missing - one starting with plejdDevice (from API response) when error happened should show up with some additional device info. Either way I'm guessing the one you post is the DWN-02...

For logs, I'm guessing you have read this: https://github.com/icanos/hassio-plejd/tree/master/plejd#logs

As long as you have terminal access (I use the Terminal addon in HA) and can run the docker command you should be able to run the two commands below. The first picks up the addon name (XYZ) to use in the second command.

docker container ls
docker logs -f addon_XYZ_plejd | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' > /config/plejd.log

Depending on the file structure you may want to change the output path. Then I just access the logs with the VS Code addon.

SweVictor commented 11 months ago

@Kimrobin98 the https://github.com/icanos/hassio-plejd/tree/develop branch has been updated. You should be able to install that using the manual install method and get the DWN-02 running. Please report back your findings (and if you get a hold of full logs including the API response from Plejd including the DWN device).

Edit: NOW it's updated!

Kimrobin98 commented 11 months ago

regarding to the update, the only function i have is on/off as before, no brightness or colour temprature controll. btw is the wrt-01 supported? they show up but no function.

Regarding the logs i triied again following the steps in your post but it seams like the commands dosent get reconiced.

Terminal ha 10 10 23

SweVictor commented 10 months ago

regarding to the update, the only function i have is on/off as before, no brightness or colour temprature controll. btw is the wrt-01 supported? they show up but no function.

@Kimrobin98 Alright. We still need a site JSON from someone with the relevant devices, unfortunately. Regarding WRT-01: if memory serves BLE commands are only sent when something is configured as output in the Plejd app. Meaning: If you set the WRT-01 to control something (light, scenario, ...) BLE commands will be sent and picked up by this addon. There is an older issue discussing this behavior in more detail. Turn on verbose or silly logging to see all BLE commands being picked up.

Regarding the logs I tried again following the steps in your post but it seams like the commands dosent get reconiced.

Not sure exactly what you have connected to. Using the Terminal addon (in some elevated mode) in HA it looks like this for me: image

(notice I don't write ha docker but rather just docker). Before switching installation style I seem to remember I had to write ha login or something to get root access, but I may be wrong).