icaros-usc / pyribs

A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Archive of Classes #287

Closed whitead closed 1 year ago

whitead commented 1 year ago


I'm not sure if this makes sense for the QDL QD algorithm, but I would like to generate diversity for multi-label classification. That is, each sample x has a binary vector of labels (length ~15-50). I would like to generate a diversity of these binary vectors. I can probably just use the CVTArchive with one-hot vectors, but I was curious if there is a better way, or if this will make sense with the QDL QD algorithm.

Thank you!

btjanaka commented 1 year ago

Hi @whitead, thanks for using pyribs. I think it may help to first formalize your problem a bit so that I can better understand it. What are your objectives, measures / behaviors, and solution vectors? Right now, it seems like your binary vector of labels may either be the measures or the solution vectors.

I am also not familiar with the QDL algorithm; would you mind sharing the relevant paper?

whitead commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response! Sorry QDL meant Quality Diversity. Not sure what the L was supposed to stand for in my head...

In my setting, the features/actions x are 2-3 points in a low-dimensional space. Kind of like the robot arm example. To be concrete, take x be 3 2D points, written as x = [-2, 3, 2.5, 1, 0, 3].

The objective is a value between 0 and 1.

After running my simulator given x, it returns both the objective and a set of integers representing properties. Examples of return values for the properties are (1,5,3) or () or (1,27,4) (order is irrelevant). These properties are like multi-label classification. I would like my behavior/archive to be these properties. So I could represent them as a binary vector - (1,5,3) => [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, ....] where the length is the number of possible properties (~15-100 depending on simulator parameters).

I was thinking then my archive could be a grid, where the two bins are 0/1, but that might not behave well with D = 100 I think. Another possibility is the CVTArchive - however I may need to replace the distance with a binary-vector distance measure (e.g., Jaccard Index).

My question for you is if this sounds reasonable and have you come across a case where the behaviors are binary vectors. And, if CVTArchive is reasonable, how I might modify the distance for comparing the vectors. Thanks!

btjanaka commented 1 year ago

Your approach certainly sounds reasonable. If you have a 100-dimensional archive, CVTArchive is a good choice. I'm not sure how useful our CMA-based algorithms will be since we have not really used them with binary behaviors, only discrete ones, but it is certainly worth a try. I'd suggest running with the bounds set to (0, 1) in each dimension. Maybe try out CMA-ME (I assume you're using v0.4.0, but we'll have CMA-MAE in v0.5.0) and MAP-Elites. I would not suggest modifying the CVTArchive's distance metric immediately as that would be very involved (we designed everything around Euclidean distance in that archive).

whitead commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your help @btjanaka - I'll reopen if I have additional questions.