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allow bibl-element in witness-element in CEI schema #1073

Closed NTsch closed 2 years ago

NTsch commented 2 years ago

In the Fontenay corpus, certain witnesses are written as follows:

<witness n="a"><bibl sameAs="#Plancher1739"><biblScope>t. I, preuve p. xxxvii, n° L</biblScope><note>D’après C</note></bibl></witness> <witness n="b"><bibl sameAs="#Laurent1907"><note>b. Fragment réimprimé d’après a : </note></bibl></witness>

These are prints of charters, which can be treated as either editions (encoded ascei:listbiblEdition/cei:bibl), textual witnesses (preferably encoded as cei:witness/cei:bibl), or both. Allowing cei:bibl in cei:witness would make it easier to represent a print as a textual witness.

GVogeler commented 2 years ago

see https://github.com/GVogeler/CEI2TEI/issues/51 for the initial use case.

GVogeler commented 2 years ago

So we assume that cei:witness[not(cei:archIdentifier)]/cei:bibl represents a printed textual witness. As the change is easy, let's go for it!