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ASFI has moved their charters to a new location #1161

Open GVogeler opened 11 months ago

GVogeler commented 11 months ago

The charters from ASFI (https://www.monasterium.net/mom/IT-ASFi/archive) have a new location: https://archiviodistatofirenze.cultura.gov.it/asfi/archivi-digitalizzati/diplomatico, which uses IIIF for the images. This results in two questions:

GVogeler commented 11 months ago

There is no obvious alignment as none of the IDs available in Monasterium.net seem to be kept: https://www.monasterium.net/mom/IT-ASFi/DNArezzoOlivetani/00007884/charter is pointing in cei:archIdentifier/ref/@target to http://www.archiviodistato.firenze.it/pergasfi/index.php?op=fetch&type=pergamena&id=485666" and cei:text/@id="#6449". The same charters is now at https://www.archiviodigitale.icar.beniculturali.it/it/185/ricerca/detail/13133 with a IIIF manifest at https://www.archiviodigitale.icar.beniculturali.it/metadata/13133/manifest.json?type=archive&page= .

StephanMa commented 11 months ago

There are a lot of charters...

One possibility is to "hire" a student or someone else and build a reference table from mom charter to new IIIF location. Otherwise... I don't think that we have any other possibilities here...

GVogeler commented 11 months ago

We can try to align several via the cei:issued/cei:dateRange/text() combined with the unittitle from the fonds (/atom:entry/atom:content/ead:ead/ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:c/ead:did/ead:unittitle in metadata.fond.public) which map to the label in the manifest,json (e.g. 1204 Aprile .., Arezzo , S. Bernardo (olivetani). But this would need a database of the manifests (if we don't find a REST interface to search for this) and it would still not be consistent for duplicate dates (e.g. https://www.archiviodigitale.icar.beniculturali.it/it/185/ricerca/detail/13378 and https://www.archiviodigitale.icar.beniculturali.it/it/185/ricerca/detail/13380).