logger.debug("logout for sessionId " + sessionId);
(Copy-paste error?) but should log:
logger.debug("refresh requested for sessionId " + sessionId);
[ ] GateKeeper.isAccessAllowed(...) logs the query template (qString variable) without the parameter. Since the GateKeeper runs in a different thread it makes it impossible to trace which logging message belongs to which request. Either need to log the full query (q variable) or other identifying information to help link the message to the original query.
[ ] EntityBeanManager.refresh(...) logs:
(Copy-paste error?) but should log:
[ ] GateKeeper.isAccessAllowed(...) logs the query template (
variable) without the parameter. Since the GateKeeper runs in a different thread it makes it impossible to trace which logging message belongs to which request. Either need to log the full query (q
variable) or other identifying information to help link the message to the original query.