icbi-lab / NeoFuse

NeoFuse is a user-friendly pipeline for the prediction of fusion neoantigens from tumor RNA-seq data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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YARA temp directory issue #16

Closed alhafidzhamdan closed 2 years ago

alhafidzhamdan commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I'm trying to run NeoFuse using singularity within an HPC.

INFO:    Convert SIF file to sandbox...
[-------------------------------- [NeoFuse] --------------------------------]

[12:53:31]  Paired End (PE) Reads detected: commencing processing
[12:53:31]  Processing files b436e69e-e5d8-4a7b-94ac-2250d9e4446a_R1.fastq.gz - b436e69e-e5d8-4a7b-94ac-2250d9e4446a_R2.fastq.gz
[12:53:31]  STAR Run started
[12:53:31]  Arriba Run started
[13:31:19]  YARA Run started
Couldn't create temporary file /local/22273612.1.igmm_long/SQNvM4n1B. (No such file or directory)
/usr/local/bin/seqan/include/seqan/file/string_mmap.h:635 FAILED!  (Memory Mapped String couldn't open temporary file)

stack trace:
  0    [0x555e04bb755e]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0xe
  1    [0x555e04cbc824]  yara_mapper(+0x341824)
  2    [0x555e04d05e17]  bool seqan::_remap<unsigned long, seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long>, unsigned long>(seqan::String<unsigned long, seqan::MMap<seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long> > >&, unsigned long) + 0x47
  3    [0x555e04d07504]  SeqStore<void, YaraContigsConfig<seqan::MMap<seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long> > > >::SeqStore() + 0x124
  4    [0x555e04b4c4e9]  yara_mapper(+0x1d14e9)
  5    [0x555e04a90c15]  main + 0x5c5
  6    [0x2b6df93ebbf7]  __libc_start_main + 0xe7
  7    [0x555e04a90eca]  _start + 0x2a

[13:31:19]  OptiType Run started
An error occured during OptiType run, check /exports/igmm/eddie/Glioblastoma-WGS/RNA-seq/results/NeoFuse/C3N-03473T1_primary_tumour/LOGS/C3N-03473T1_primary_tumour.optitype.log for more details
INFO:    Cleaning up image...

I'm using the latest version

NeoFuse v1.2.1

Here's my script:

module load singularity

    -1 ${FASTQ_FILE}_R1.fastq.gz \
    -2 ${FASTQ_FILE}_R2.fastq.gz \
    -s $STAR_INDEX_DIR \
    -g $STAR_GENOME \
    -a $STAR_GTF \
    -o $OUTPUT_DIR \
    -d $RUN_ID \
    -V GRCh38 \
    -n 20 \
    -m 8 \
    -M 11 \
    -c L \

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


abyssum commented 2 years ago

Hello @alhafidzhamdan,

This is probably due to YARA being unable to create a temp file because your system doesn't have a /temp/ directory. Have you tried the suggested workaround in #3?

Try to include $ export TEMPDIR=/path/to/tempDir/ in your batch file and tell me if this works for you.

alhafidzhamdan commented 2 years ago

I've now tried setting the temporary directory to a specific directory with permission but the error remains.


module load singularity

    -1 ${FASTQ_FILE}_R1.fastq.gz \
    -2 ${FASTQ_FILE}_R2.fastq.gz \
    -s $STAR_INDEX_DIR \
    -g $STAR_GENOME \
    -a $STAR_GTF \
    -o $OUTPUT_DIR \
    -d $RUN_ID \
    -V GRCh38 \
    -n 20 \
    -m 8 \
    -M 11 \
    -c L \

INFO:    Convert SIF file to sandbox...
[-------------------------------- [NeoFuse] --------------------------------]

[17:35:10]  Paired End (PE) Reads detected: commencing processing
[17:35:10]  Processing files b436e69e-e5d8-4a7b-94ac-2250d9e4446a_R1.fastq.gz - b436e69e-e5d8-4a7b-94ac-2250d9e4446a_R2.fastq.gz
[17:35:10]  STAR Run started
[17:35:10]  Arriba Run started
[18:15:08]  YARA Run started
Couldn't create temporary file /exports/eddie/scratch/mhamdan/SQNNycLTW. (No such file or directory)
/usr/local/bin/seqan/include/seqan/file/string_mmap.h:635 FAILED!  (Memory Mapped String couldn't open temporary file)

stack trace:
  0    [0x55e72d8a055e]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0xe
  1    [0x55e72d9a5824]  yara_mapper(+0x341824)
  2    [0x55e72d9eee17]  bool seqan::_remap<unsigned long, seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long>, unsigned long>(seqan::String<unsigned long, seqan::MMap<seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long> > >&, unsigned long) + 0x47
  3    [0x55e72d9f0504]  SeqStore<void, YaraContigsConfig<seqan::MMap<seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long> > > >::SeqStore() + 0x124
  4    [0x55e72d8354e9]  yara_mapper(+0x1d14e9)
  5    [0x55e72d779c15]  main + 0x5c5
  6    [0x2acb517c1bf7]  __libc_start_main + 0xe7
  7    [0x55e72d779eca]  _start + 0x2a

[18:15:10]  OptiType Run started
An error occured during OptiType run, check /exports/igmm/eddie/Glioblastoma-WGS/RNA-seq/results/NeoFuse/C3N-03473T1_primary_tumour/LOGS/C3N-03473T1_primary_tumour.optitype.log for more details
INFO:    Cleaning up image...
abyssum commented 2 years ago

The only issue that might cause this behavior I can think of right now is that singularity doesn't mount the path to the temp dir on launch. Can you try modifying your batch script to


and tell me if that works for you.

If it doesn't work I'll try to find a workaround on Monday and maybe issue a hotfix.

alhafidzhamdan commented 2 years ago

Still the same output i'm afraid- if you don't mind having a look that would be great!


riederd commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, I think you should try export TEMPDIR=/mnt/out/$(echo ${OUTDIR##*/}) because within the container $OUTPUT_DIR is bind mounted to /tmp/out/.... see: https://github.com/icbi-lab/NeoFuse/blob/b71b66b058359c5b649b5147300f670f1f1f09cc/NeoFuse#L284

@abyssum we may need to explicitly bind mount a TEMPDIR into the container or automatically create one in the $OUTPUTDIR and export the corresponding TEMPDIR variable with the path within the container.

alhafidzhamdan commented 2 years ago

Hi @riederd, Still the same output:

INFO:    Convert SIF file to sandbox...
[-------------------------------- [NeoFuse] --------------------------------]

[12:33:47]  Paired End (PE) Reads detected: commencing processing
[12:33:47]  Processing files b436e69e-e5d8-4a7b-94ac-2250d9e4446a_R1.fastq.gz - b436e69e-e5d8-4a7b-94ac-2250d9e4446a_R2.fastq.gz
[12:33:47]  STAR Run started
[12:33:47]  Arriba Run started
[13:02:51]  YARA Run started
Couldn't create temporary file /local/22344137.1.igmm_long/SQNFTqoSm. (No such file or directory)
/usr/local/bin/seqan/include/seqan/file/string_mmap.h:635 FAILED!  (Memory Mapped String couldn't open temporary file)

stack trace:
  0    [0x55ec4375055e]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0xe
  1    [0x55ec43855824]  yara_mapper(+0x341824)
  2    [0x55ec4389ee17]  bool seqan::_remap<unsigned long, seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long>, unsigned long>(seqan::String<unsigned long, seqan::MMap<seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long> > >&, unsigned long) + 0x47
  3    [0x55ec438a0504]  SeqStore<void, YaraContigsConfig<seqan::MMap<seqan::MMapConfig<seqan::File<seqan::Async<void> >, unsigned long> > > >::SeqStore() + 0x124
  4    [0x55ec436e54e9]  yara_mapper(+0x1d14e9)
  5    [0x55ec43629c15]  main + 0x5c5
  6    [0x2b12f1bd8bf7]  __libc_start_main + 0xe7
  7    [0x55ec43629eca]  _start + 0x2a

[13:02:52]  OptiType Run started
An error occured during OptiType run, check /exports/igmm/eddie/Glioblastoma-WGS/RNA-seq/results/NeoFuse/C3N-03473T1_primary_tumour/LOGS/C3N-03473T1_primary_tumour.optitype.log for more details
INFO:    Cleaning up image...

I think perhaps it's trying to use a directory that's not been created? /local/22344137.1.igmm_long/SQNFTqoSm.

riederd commented 2 years ago

can you try export TMPDIR=/mnt/out/$(echo ${OUTDIR##*/}) I think it should be TMPDIR not TEMPDIR

abyssum commented 2 years ago

I am working on implementing this from within NeoFuse in the meantime.

alhafidzhamdan commented 2 years ago

Still the same error... thank you for looking into this!

riederd commented 2 years ago

We have a possible fix ready and it works as expected in our tests. We upload the new image soon.

abyssum commented 2 years ago

I've just released patch v1.2.2a which should fix the temp dir problem (works on our side - no need to add the $export directive on your side so you may as well remove it from your batch file). Try to update your repo and the image locally and re-run with your data. You can also remove the -V flag as this is only useful for specifying the reference version when building the indexes (see here), I would suggest modifying your call to smth along these lines:

module load singularity

    -1 ${FASTQ_FILE}_R1.fastq.gz \
    -2 ${FASTQ_FILE}_R2.fastq.gz \
    -s $STAR_INDEX_DIR \
    -g $STAR_GENOME \
    -a $STAR_GTF \
    -o $OUTPUT_DIR \
    -d $RUN_ID \
    -n 20 \
    -m 8 \
    -M 11 \
    -c L \
alhafidzhamdan commented 2 years ago

This worked! Thank you very much for the quick fix!