Closed amoschoomy closed 1 year ago
can you post the contents of /QRISdata/Q6373/results/results_1/work/f3/15a0370e23d72ed33088db22c6a446
as tar.gz?
Here is the files packaged into the tar.gz format
from the .command.err
log file you can see that the sambamba command was killed by your system:
38 Killed | sambamba sort --sort-picard --tmpdir=/scratch/temp/5845503 -m 64G -l 6 -t 8 -o sample1_normal_DNA_aligned.bam /dev/stdin
How much memory does your system have? I it has <=64GB you might try to lower the requested memory for sambamba (and possible also other tools) in conf/params.config
SB_sort_mem = "32G"
around line 146
I am running it in my HPC and had allocated 64GB for the memory. I will try to allocate more memory to the cluster or do what you suggested. Thanks!
Hello again, it looks like my real issue was actually in #49. It runs into the same error as #49 . I have now allocated 500GB ram on my cluster and let see how it goes.
Hi again, I am running the pipeline again but this time I am encountering the error as stated in the title. The logs are below
This is my slurm logs
This is the nextflow logs:
I went through these working directories but there's no other helpful logs available. Much thanks!