icculus / SDL_sound

An abstract soundfile decoder.
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Add Opus support #24

Open berolinux opened 2 years ago

berolinux commented 2 years ago

SDL_sound currently supports Vorbis files -- but Xiph (maintainers of Vorbis) have deprecated Vorbis in favor of Opus back in 2013. It would be nice to have Opus support in SDL_sound as well.

sezero commented 2 years ago

As far as I know, @icculus is trying to avoid external library dependencies in SDL_sound-2.0: if you know of an opus decoder that is both mature and also suitably licensed for embedding in SDL_sound - such as those so-called one-header libs, please let us know.

icculus commented 2 years ago


feliwir commented 2 years ago

A decoder implementation using libopus would not be accepted/viable?

icculus commented 2 years ago

A decoder implementation using libopus would not be accepted/viable?

We are avoiding external dependencies beyond SDL2.

sezero commented 2 years ago

Close this one?

feliwir commented 2 years ago

Well, this is still a valid issue. Maybe there will be a single file opus decoder at some day (not necessarly stb_opus), which can be used.

icculus commented 2 years ago

Yeah, leave it open for now, but it's not going to move any time soon.

ericoporto commented 3 months ago

Can't there be an exception in this case with the option of accepting an external dependency for libopus? The license at least looks alright: https://github.com/xiph/opus/blob/main/COPYING.