ice-bit / DineUI

Building a UI app for a previous console project; the core functionality is restaurant management. Check the URL below 👇 for console app!
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Implement CRUD Operations for Orders, Bills, Menu Items, and Tables #23

Closed ice-bit closed 2 months ago

ice-bit commented 3 months ago

Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for orders, bills, menu items, and tables to manage the restaurant data effectively within the management system.


  1. Orders:

    • Allow users to create a new order by selecting menu items and specifying customer details.
    • Display a list of all orders with relevant details such as order number, date, status, and total amount.
    • Enable users to update the status of an order (e.g., mark as in progress, completed, or cancelled).
    • Provide an option to delete an order, removing it from the database and associated records.
  2. Bills:

    • Allow users to create a new bill by adding items and specifying customer details.
    • Display a list of all bills with relevant details such as bill number, date, status, and total amount.
    • Enable users to update the status of a bill (e.g., mark as paid, unpaid, or cancelled).
    • Provide an option to delete a bill, removing it from the database and associated records.
  3. Menu Items:

    • Allow users to add new menu items by specifying details such as name, description, price, and category.
    • Display a list of all menu items with relevant details such as name, description, price, and category.
    • Enable users to update the details of a menu item, such as name, description, price, or category.
    • Provide an option to delete a menu item, removing it from the database and associated records.
  4. Tables:

    • Allow users to add new tables by specifying details such as table number and seating capacity.
    • Display a list of all tables with relevant details such as table number and seating capacity.
    • Enable users to update the details of a table, such as table number or seating capacity.
    • Provide an option to delete a table, removing it from the database and associated records.

Additional Notes:

ice-bit commented 3 months ago

Try using the swipe action provided by the UIKit.