icebreaker-fpga / icebreaker-litex-examples

Example litex Risc-V SOC and some example code projects in multiple languages.
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c-riscv-blink: wishbone error #4

Closed pdp7 closed 4 years ago

pdp7 commented 4 years ago


pdp7@x1:~/dev/fpga/icebreaker-litex-examples/c-riscv-blink$ wishbone-tool --uart /dev/ttyUSB1 -s terminal
error: 'terminal' isn't a valid value for '--server <server-kind>'
    [possible values: gdb, random-test, wishbone]

    wishbone-tool <address> --baud <RATE> --bind-addr <IP_ADDRESS> --list --pid <USB_PID> --port <PORT_NUMBER> --serial <PORT> --server <server-kind>

For more information try --help

*pdp7@x1:~/dev/fpga/icebreaker-litex-examples/c-riscv-blink$ which wishbone-tool 
pdp7@x1:~/dev/fpga/icebreaker-litex-examples/c-riscv-blink$ wishbone-tool --version
Wishbone Tool 0.4.7
pdp7@x1:~/dev/fpga/icebreaker-litex-examples/c-riscv-blink$ wishbone-tool --help
Wishbone Tool 0.4.7
Sean Cross <>
Work with Wishbone devices over various bridges

    wishbone-tool [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <address> --list --server <server-kind> [value]

    -l, --list       List USB devices in the system
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -s, --server <server-kind>
            which server to run (if any) [possible values: gdb, wishbone, random-test]

    -a, --bind-addr <IP_ADDRESS>                 IP address to bind to [default:]
    -n, --port <PORT_NUMBER>                     port number to listen on [default: 1234]
    -p, --pid <USB_PID>                          USB PID to match [default: 0x5bf0]
    -v, --vid <USB_VID>                          USB VID to match
    -u, --serial <PORT>                          Serial port to use
    -b, --baud <RATE>                            Baudrate to use in serial mode [default: 115200]
    -g, --spi-pins <spi-pins>                    GPIO pins to use for MISO,MOSI,CLK,CS_N (e.g. 2,3,4,18)
        --csr-csv <csr-csv>                      csr.csv file containing register mappings
        --messible-address <messible-address>    address to use to get messible messages from
        --random-loops <random-loops>            number of loops to run when doing a random-test
        --random-address <random-address>        address to write to when doing a random-test
        --debug-offset <debug-offset>            

    <address>    address to read/write
    <value>      value to write
pdp7 commented 4 years ago

I upgraded to 0.6.9 and it works ok