Currently a run of results in the following warning:
WARN (phys-services): Using the I3Configuration instance name for the subevent stream name is deprecated. (I3Splitter.cxx:45 in I3FramePtr I3Splitter::GetNextSubEvent(I3FramePtr))
WARN (phys-services): Derived modules should set sub_event_stream_name_ explicitly. (I3Splitter.cxx:47 in I3FramePtr I3Splitter::GetNextSubEvent(I3FramePtr))
WARN (phys-services): Users should set SubEventStreamName in the splitting module InIceSplit. (I3Splitter.cxx:48 in I3FramePtr I3Splitter::GetNextSubEvent(I3FramePtr))
Currently a run of
results in the following warning: