iced-rs / iced_aw

Additional widgets for the Iced GUI library
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Can't use a PickList on a modal #212

Closed alex-ds13 closed 6 months ago

alex-ds13 commented 6 months ago

When trying to use a PickList on a modal, the picklist will never open its overlay/menu.


I'm trying to press the picklist inside the modal, but nothing happens. Iced actually has a modal example that has a picklist inside the modal that works.

I was hoping to use iced_aw's one so that I wouldn't have to maintain the code for the modal itself, because the one on iced example is a custom widget and any futures changes that mess with it would require me to make the same changes on my implementation, while using iced_aw would be fixed simply by updating the crate.

Code for reproduction using the modal example ```rs use iced::{ alignment::{self, Horizontal}, font, widget::{container, text, pick_list, Button, Container, Row, Text}, Alignment, Application, Command, Element, Length, Settings, Theme, }; use iced_aw::{modal, Card}; fn main() -> iced::Result { ModalExample::run(Settings::default()) } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum Message { OpenModal, CloseModal, CancelButtonPressed, OkButtonPressed, ChangeTheme(Theme), #[allow(dead_code)] Loaded(Result<(), String>), FontLoaded(Result<(), font::Error>), } #[derive(Debug)] enum ModalExample { Loading, Loaded(State), } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct State { show_modal: bool, last_message: Option, theme: Theme, } async fn load() -> Result<(), String> { Ok(()) } impl Application for ModalExample { type Message = Message; type Theme = Theme; type Executor = iced::executor::Default; type Flags = (); fn new(_flags: ()) -> (ModalExample, Command) { ( ModalExample::Loading, Command::batch(vec![ font::load(iced_aw::graphics::icons::BOOTSTRAP_FONT_BYTES).map(Message::FontLoaded), Command::perform(load(), Message::Loaded), ]), ) } fn title(&self) -> String { String::from("Modal example") } fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> Command { match self { ModalExample::Loading => { if let Message::Loaded(_) = message { *self = ModalExample::Loaded(State::default()) } } ModalExample::Loaded(state) => { match message { Message::OpenModal => state.show_modal = true, Message::CloseModal => state.show_modal = false, Message::CancelButtonPressed => state.show_modal = false, Message::OkButtonPressed => state.show_modal = false, Message::ChangeTheme(ref t) => state.theme = t.clone(), _ => {} } state.last_message = Some(message) } } Command::none() } fn view(&self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message> { match self { ModalExample::Loading => container( text("Loading...") .horizontal_alignment(alignment::Horizontal::Center) .size(50), ) .width(Length::Fill) .height(Length::Fill) .center_y() .center_x() .into(), ModalExample::Loaded(state) => { let underlay = Container::new( Row::new() .spacing(10) .align_items(Alignment::Center) .push(Button::new(Text::new("Open modal!")).on_press(Message::OpenModal)) .push( pick_list(Theme::ALL, Some(&state.theme), Message::ChangeTheme) ) .push(Text::new(format!( "Last message: {}", match state.last_message.as_ref() { Some(message) => match message { Message::OpenModal => "Modal opened", Message::CloseModal => "Modal closed", Message::CancelButtonPressed => "Modal canceled", Message::OkButtonPressed => "Modal accepted", Message::ChangeTheme(_) => "Changed Theme", _ => "None", }, None => "None", } ))), ); let overlay = if state.show_modal { Some( Card::new( Text::new("My modal"), Text::new("This is a modal!"), //Text::new("Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.") ) .foot( Row::new() .spacing(10) .padding(5) .width(Length::Fill) .push( pick_list(Theme::ALL, Some(&state.theme), Message::ChangeTheme) ) .push( Button::new( Text::new("Cancel") .horizontal_alignment(Horizontal::Center), ) .width(Length::Fill) .on_press(Message::CancelButtonPressed), ) .push( Button::new( Text::new("Ok").horizontal_alignment(Horizontal::Center), ) .width(Length::Fill) .on_press(Message::OkButtonPressed), ), ) .max_width(500.0) //.width(Length::Shrink) .on_close(Message::CloseModal), ) } else { None }; modal(underlay, overlay) .backdrop(Message::CloseModal) .on_esc(Message::CloseModal) .align_y(alignment::Vertical::Center) .into() } } } fn theme(&self) -> Theme { match self { ModalExample::Loading => Theme::Light, ModalExample::Loaded(state) => state.theme.clone(), } } } ```
genusistimelord commented 6 months ago

give this a try with the tabsfix branch. I believe it is fixed now just the menu acts a bit differently.

alex-ds13 commented 6 months ago

give this a try with the tabsfix branch. I believe it is fixed now just the menu acts a bit differently.

That does fix it! Thank you!

I'm not using the menu so can't say if there is any issue with it or not...

Also do you intend to change the master branch to point to iced's master branch again?

genusistimelord commented 6 months ago

Hector told me that was a feature for the dropdown so its ok. building up a few updates before i push it to main and push a new updated crate to

genusistimelord commented 6 months ago

this is now fixed in the last PR #218

barskern commented 2 months ago


I'm having the same problem with 0.9.2, though without in menu. Perhaps a similar change can fix that issue too?

genusistimelord commented 2 months ago

Can you post that in a new issue as even though it is a similar issue it's for something different.

barskern commented 2 months ago

On 03/07/24 10:46, Andrew Wheeler(Genusis) wrote:

Can you post that in a new issue as even though it is a similar issue it's for something different.
