icefields / Power-Ampache-2

Android Music Streaming App suite in Material You style.
 Connects to Ampache, Nextcloud Music and compatible backends (Ampache API 4 and above).
GNU General Public License v3.0
63 stars 4 forks source link

[Bug] "Skipping" behavior in offline mode #148

Open JoeDat opened 1 month ago

JoeDat commented 1 month ago

This is a difficult issue to describe.

Occasionally I'll experience what I can only describe as "skipping" behavior in some tracks. I believe the issue only occurs with FLACs, although I don't have many non-FLAC files to experiment with. When viewing the app during the behavior, the player appears to quickly pause and resume the track. The repeated behavior typically happens in short bursts, and can sometimes only last a few seconds. However, if it happens longer, the app seems to give up on the track, starts playing the next track, where sometimes that track plays fine, or exhibits the same behavior. In some extreme cases, it'll do this pause/resume/start next track thing for 2 or 3 songs in quick succession.

I tend to use the app while connected to a BT device such as my Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones, or a JBL PartyBox 110. I don't believe I've heard this issue when not connect via BT, but I admittedly don't play music without an external speaker often.

I can supply debug logs for the last occurrence, however I can't seem to figure out how to get the logs. I can see the log list, but touching a log file does nothing.

icefields commented 1 month ago

hello, I know exactly what are you talking about. First, please ensure you’re using the latest version of the app (1.00-65), because I'm continuously working on optimizing this issue.

It sounds like you’re experiencing network connection issues, which become more noticeable with FLAC files (which are very large usually). The app is set to automatically skip to the next song after encountering three connection errors, which is likely why you're seeing these skips.

To improve your experience, you could try downloading the music you want to play. Alternatively, I can adjust the app to increase the number of retry attempts for connection errors.

I would also suggest to keep your ampache backend updated, and maybe try to restart your server to clear cache and memory.

JoeDat commented 1 month ago

Hey @icefields , I'm actually experiencing this in offline mode. I've been testing this morning on PA2 1.00-65. My Ampache backend is on the latest stable (6.6.0). Mobile is a Pixel 7 Pro, in case there's a local resource question. Should be plenty of power.

icefields commented 1 month ago

ok that is a different bug then. The best way for me to check on this would be if you gave me a test account for your server (if you're comfortable with this) so I can check the logs from my LogCat with the app in debug mode

JoeDat commented 1 month ago

Hmm, certainly don't mean any disrespect, but not sure I'm comfortable at this point. I'll think about it.

Trying to understand how the server is at play if the app is in offline mode. The skips occur even when I turn off mobile data and wifi. Bluetooth is at play, so not testing in airplane mode.

I'm gonna run an extended test while hardwired. My gut is telling me it's a bluetooth thing, although I have zero proof of that lol. I'm not having similar issues in other apps. Coming from many years of using DSub and have been going back to it to compare and not experiencing anything similar, again while offline.

icefields commented 1 month ago

No worries, I understand completely. I don't think it's the same issue I mentioned earlier; it just sounds very similar. The server doesn't play any role in this, especially in offline mode, where there's no connection for playing songs.

I know where to look (and put a debugger breakpoint to analyze the issue) for player errors, so if you change your mind and decide to create test account for me, I'll give you my email, or you can dm me in person on telegram (links on the readme and on

Let me know how the situation evolves if you do more testing. Thanks again for reporting the bug.

CrazyStevenz commented 1 month ago

Hi @icefields, I have the same issue but for me the app crashed while glitching and trying to skip the offline song that was playing, so I was able to generate a crash.txt file. Not sure how useful it is, but I could forward it to your email (since I expect it might contain some sensitive data from my device).

This issue happens with a bunch of songs, no matter if they're flac or not.

If you're comfortable with a discord call, I could also supply some credentials for you to give it a try.

icefields commented 1 month ago

hello @CrazyStevenz , thanks for reaching out and for providing crash info. The crash report doesn't contain personal info, but it does contain some device info. You can send it to powerampache.ducking336 AT silomails DOT com I'm not on Discord, I used to have an account but I haven't used it in a very long time. If you want to get into a call or DM me, you can use Telegram. This is PowerAmpache2 official group chat: , I'm the admin. My personal account cannot be reached directly, but if you drop a message in the chat saying you contacted me on Github about issue-148 I will initiate a private conversation with you. Timing is good, I'm working on the app today and tomorrow.

CrazyStevenz commented 1 month ago

@JoeDat I had the same issue with my wireless earbuds, but I tested with Bluetooth turned off and the crash still occurs, so not the culprit.

My current way of crashing the app is the following (performed on an offline songs library that included both flac and mp3 songs, with and without cover images):

1) Open the app 2) On my phone, after crashing, the app doesn't connect to the server again, so I need to enable offline mode here via the toggle in the navbar 3) Go to offline songs (every song you play from now will be from here) 4) Press the tune spinner at the top right (which by my understanding shuffles all offline songs and starts playback) 5) Minimize the player and play a different song (songs with a cover image seem to cause the crash sooner) 6) Turn off wifi 7) Exit offline mode (this only needs to be done once, if you enabled offline mode in the beginning) 8) Play other songs with images until you see the "Cannot connect to your server" 9) Play one more song and leave it playing 10) Maximize and minimize the player 11) Enable wifi 12) Play different songs until the "Cannot connect to your server" notice disappears 13) Play one more song and leave it playing 14) Maximize and minimize the player 15) Repeat steps 6-14 for ~3 minutes, playback will start stuttering until eventually the app OOMs and freezes

JoeDat commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks @CrazyStevenz, I've never encountered any freezes or full on crashes. Just the stutter before it skips to the next track in the playlist. 99% of my catalog contains songs with cover art, so I'm rarely playing anything that isn't. I haven't posted recently because the problem has been elusive for me (of course lol) . But, I'll definitely give the steps above a repro attempt and report back.

JoeDat commented 4 weeks ago

I got a little lost in your steps a bit, but there seems to be something there regarding air-gapping the device, restoring connectivity, etc. I notice this more when I'm wandering around my property and likely floating in and out of wifi availability (where the phone is constantly trying to find a connection). Manually skipping songs from the notification bar, there's considerable flicker and occasionally corresponding stutter at the very start of the track (something I never see while online). This is very similar behavior I'll notice when it happens in the middle of the track, and the flicker and stutter is seen in both the in app player and notification bar. I've gotten accustomed to running in offline mode when I know I'll be away because I'm coming from DSub and there wasn't another way to see your offline tracks. PA2 grants that capability without explicitly being offline, so I'll do this network connectivity test while PA2 is online to see if I can repro.

I haven't yet been able to repro your OMM and eventual freeze or crash. Maybe a difference in phone hardware between us (ie, I have more available resources?). I'm on a pixel 7 pro.

CrazyStevenz commented 4 weeks ago

I'm on a Pixel 7 128/8 with GrapheneOS. Maximum ram usage from the app was <500MB before it crashed, and I had over 3GB of ram free.

Funny thing is that, without restarting my phone or changing anything, I can no longer reproduce the issue with my own reproduction steps. I wonder if it's related to the server, like when my Nextcloud instance is really slow the requests pile up and it eventually runs out of memory.

With no solid reproduction steps and if Icefields doesn't by now have an idea of what might be causing this, I don't think we're getting a solution.

icefields commented 3 weeks ago

@JoeDat @CrazyStevenz Thank you for your detailed reports. I started running some tests using your steps while monitoring the logs, unfortunately LogCat is not telling me much. I also monitor the memory for leaks all the time during my pre-release tests, and haven’t observed any zombie threads or processes consuming excessive memory. But I'll keep digging.

It’s possible the bug could be related to the server, the specific phone model, or the API level, but it’s challenging to pinpoint the exact cause without more detailed logs. I use a Pixel 7 with GrapheneOS as my personal phone, so I should be able to replicate your steps fairly accurately. Also, I don't exclude a bug with the library I use for networking or the android media library. I make an effort to keep the app updated with the latest bleeding edge versions of all Android SDK libraries to ensure we benefit from the most current features and improvements, but this, like with every bleeding edge software, might also cause unfixed library-bugs to surface. I recommend keeping the app updated regularly.

I’ll continue to investigate and will keep you updated. If you discover any additional information or observations, please share them here.

CrazyStevenz commented 3 weeks ago

@icefields Only new thing I can tell you is that after playing one song in online mode, I switched to offline mode, and after ~15 minutes of playing music offline, browsing twitter and switching songs from the media widget and the lock screen, the issue happened again. After the app crashed and I opened it again, I left it in offline mode and the bug didn't occur after hours of playback.

Would a version of the app with extra logging, or a way to setup some kind of debugging on it while it's installed on my phone, help? I want to do whatever's possible to help, since this issue is very infuriating when it happens, and it'll probably affect more people as the app's usage grows.

icefields commented 3 weeks ago

@CrazyStevenz ok, yes we need to solve this, sounds annoying. I will send you a version with extra logging. Thanks for helping.

JoeDat commented 3 weeks ago

If you want to include me in this debugging test, I'm all for it as well. I've recently been testing in airplane mode, and I can get the issue to happen there. The server backend can't possibly be a factor.

icefields commented 3 weeks ago

@JoeDat awesome, thanks! I will make a build with extra logging enabled and I will post the link here in this thread (most likey tomorrow, but I will try tonight if I can).
The apk will be built against its specific bugfix GIT branch, so it will be publicly available if anyone wants to help testing (again, link will be posted here between tonight and tomorrow).

icefields commented 3 weeks ago

@JoeDat @CrazyStevenz find the apk with extra logging here. If you previously downloaded from FDroid or PlayStore, this will not replace your official version, they will live together on your phone:

The git branch where I'm working on this is bug/148-oom_crash This apk also contains 2 attemps of fixing for the memory bug (I say 'attempt' because I cannot reproduce it on my phone, so I can't verify the fix worked). One of the attempts of fixing the bug is already present on the official version (66), which should available on FDroid soon. The other one is introduced in this branch.

Thanks again for helping.

CrazyStevenz commented 3 weeks ago

@icefields I use Obtainium, so I have the latest apk from Github as soon as you release it.

That said, I tested version 66 and the issue keeps happening, so you can cross that fix out.

I'll install the custom version on my work profile, so I can keep my signed installation and test the debug apk in parallel. I'll let you know how it goes.

icefields commented 3 weeks ago

@CrazyStevenz that apk is signed with the same key as the Github releases (but it won't replace it because they're the same version), I can make you a FDroid apk tomorrow, so you don't have to go through the trouble of switching profiles.

CrazyStevenz commented 2 weeks ago

You don't need to switch profiles to use work apps on Android, I just open the "work" version of PA2, so don't worry about that. My main worry is that the issue won't happen on the work profile, if the cause is something unrelated to the app. If I don't observe the issue with this setup I'll try replacing the main app and testing it again. If the issue happens, I'll message you logs and the exact timestamp on Telegram.

CrazyStevenz commented 2 weeks ago

@JoeDat @icefields Since we are now fairly sure it's not the flac files causing this issue, please remove that part from the title, as it creates confusion for users who are having this issue with mp3s, as can be seen in the linked PR above this message.

looowizz commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I'm experiencing this issue too and I think it might have something to do with the connection between the app and media notification because, for me at least, the stuttering seems to go away when the notification crashes/disappears for a longish period. When the notification looks like this screenshot (usually when it just returns from the crashed state) i have no stuttering but it comes back when the notification returns to the default look. Screenshot_20240829-225347

icefields commented 2 weeks ago

@JoeDat thanks for changing the title, it was indeed inaccurate. But I think the issue is reproducible online as well, anyone please confirm before I change the title again.
@looowizz I was actually running some tests and I noticed an odd behaviour with notifications, the problem now is that I'm using system APIs for the notifications, it's not a custom view that I designed. From your image I see that it works when no album cover is loaded, maybe the image I'm loading is too heavy and causes the memory to run out? I can run some extra tests about that and verify.
Anyway, this said, if anyone here wants to test a new attempt of fixing this, I will share the link to the build with the fix here some time during the weekend.

looowizz commented 2 weeks ago

Oo interesting. I'd be down to test any builds :)

icefields commented 2 weeks ago

I'm going link a test release in this thread in the next few days. @looowizz thanks for supporting us with this. I got some new helpful reports from @CrazyStevenz that I think will help, and I'm going to try something new that I have in mind with notifications.

icefields commented 2 weeks ago

I’m going to delay the official release by a few days. I usually work on Power Ampache 2 after hours and on weekends, but this past week has been particularly busy, including the weekend.

I have several fixes in commits that I haven't pushed yet, related to the issues you’ve reported, in addition the attempted fixes already in the debug build. I’ve added a timer to reset the player error counter after a minute of no errors, as currently, the song skips after a certain number of errors without a reset. I’m also checking if the service is active before playing a song, since I suspect it might be getting killed due to memory constraints. There are also a few other minor fixes being addressed.

As I previously mentioned, I will share a debug build here as soon as it's ready.

icefields commented 1 week ago

@CrazyStevenz @JoeDat this is the pre-release that fixes some (hopefully all) of the issue pointed out in this thread. I have to test the app thoroughly before making the actual release, I'm always a bit scared when I touch the media player. Please check that everything is working correctly if you have some time. I made some changes to the music player service and the notifications service (@looowizz), and all the changes I mentioned in my previous post.

looowizz commented 1 week ago

Thank you! Will try it out today :)

looowizz commented 1 week ago

Hi! really sorry to say that I'm still personally experiencing the same issue :/

Another bit of information (not sure if it's useful) is that the app continues trying to play music even when it is swiped away and i have to force close it to stop it.

Here is the log of the issue Or a pastebin version which will expire in 6 days

CrazyStevenz commented 1 week ago

@icefields With this version the issue happened pretty much immediately. I started with the tune spinner and on the 3rd song, it played the 1st second and then played from the beginning again. Every song after that became worse and worse. Then, for the first time ever, the app completely froze for about 30 seconds. After the system finally prompted me to force stop it, I managed to also extract an Android ANR log.


In-app debug logs: I checked the timestamp the issue happened and the printed entries are empty (as in, just a timestamp and an empty body). Empty entries are also printed randomly, so not sure if this is related.

Power Ampache 2 System Log

ANR log

CrazyStevenz commented 1 week ago

The steps required to reliably make the glitch happen are now much fewer.

  1. Open the app (Online mode, WiFi).
  2. Click the tune spinner.
  3. Go to settings, enable offline mode.
  4. Turn WiFi off.
  5. Go to offline songs, scroll a bit, find a song with a cached image.
  6. Turn WiFi on (leave offline mode on).
  7. Play the song with the cached image.
  8. Song glitches or skips.

To me, it seems like a weird interaction between the image cache and Nextcloud.

icefields commented 1 week ago

@CrazyStevenz @looowizz looks like I solved nothing for you with this update. I'll go ahead anyway with the release since it includes significant performance improvements and better queue handling. I'll continue to address your issue and include it in the next release (while providing test builds here).

To test this more properly, I created a virtual machine with Ubuntu Server and I installed the Nextcloud Snap package (I'm surprised how easiy it was to set up!), I'll do some more tests today. Thanks for the steps to reproduce and for keeping helping debugging the issue.

@looowizz can you provide:


JoeDat commented 1 week ago

To confirm, I'm also still experiencing the issue on the latest test build. I'm on Ampache 6.7.0. The steps above might be sufficient to force the issue to happen, but it might be good to consider that it's not the only way. As reported above, I see this in airplane mode, which if I'm not the only one, kinda turns this issue on its head. I get album art while offline, ~presumably because I have it embedded in all my metatags~. And I do see the same "flickering" behavior as well with the art in notifications, which is a precursor to the eventual stutter/skip that happens. But, again, all while completely airgapped.

If I am the only one with this specific behavior, I'll step aside and see how this shakes out. If the issue here is resolved and I'm still experiencing a completely offline version of this problem, I'll submit a new issue report.

EDIT: Seems like I completely missed the point that images are cached and not read from metatags locally.

icefields commented 1 week ago

@JoeDat thanks. I will keep trying, and I hope it will be resolved soon. The fact that I cannot reproduce this on any of my devices and emulators is making the debugging process very slow.

looowizz commented 1 week ago


My phone model is the Google Pixel 4a (5G) I'm on Android 14 on GrapheneOS My server is a really old 32 bit laptop running Ampache on Yunohost so not personally running Nextcloud :/

CrazyStevenz commented 1 week ago

@icefields When I installed this version of the app in my work profile 2 weeks ago, I never managed to make it crash. It seemed really weird to me that after all the work you did the crash still happens in the latest RC, so I went back and installed the oom version on my main profile and I managed to crash it almost immediately.

The only major difference between the 2 profiles (on the level I control, not sure what happens under the hood by Android) is that the work profile contains the GrapheneOS sandboxed Google Play Services, while the main profile does not.

icefields commented 1 week ago

@CrazyStevenz that is odd, I have absolutely no interaction with google, not even in the playstore version, and I personally don't have play services on any of my devices. I'm not sure what Android is doing here under the hood or how Work Profiles are handled by the system. On my GrapheneOS I have a completely different user account that has microG, so I never used work profiles. Just on top of my head, check the firewall if you haven't. Anyway, interesting update