User needs to be able to input payments to a given center, specifying a payment date, for a given fiscal year
payments need a to support supplying a label?
Proposed Implementation
add a payments table with
Create a new pane/sub-tab at localhost:8080/child-care-centres/1 → Summary → Payments
Basic create/read/update/delete in old school database UI style
Make some updates to the localhost:8080/child-care-centres/1 → Summary → Reconciliation tab
Pull “Advance” column data payments table
Split grouped months into their own rows, e.g. Apr, May Expenses comes two rows
Compute “Expenses” column info as the sum of all actualComputedTotal for a given funding_submission_line_jsons fiscal year and month for the given child care center.
Update “Balance” column to show a running balance.
Limitations of Platform
~Logs you out every 30 minutes or so~ - Fixed - was actually a race condition in the authentication pipeline
~Does not support direct navigation via url, you have to log in, go to the dashboard, and click through to child care centers, then “view details” – every time you make an edit to the source.~ - Fixed - used route props and direct lookup of center from id
Make Summary tabs referential via URL.
This vastly speeds up development as app reload on change will remain on the same tab
This makes it easier to debug, as end users can now explain exactly where they are in the app via the URL.
This makes it easier to get to a location, as you can now bookmark the tab directly.
Its also an accessibility thing.
I opted not to embed the "fiscal year" in the URL at this point, due to task complexity, but it should definitely get put in there at some point. This would make the URL /child-care-centres/1/fiscal-year/2023-24/summary/reconciliation
Check that you can switch to the worksheets, and employees tabs, and that you can switch back to the Summary tab. The url form will be the old non-specific name for the Worksheets and Employees tabs i.e. http://localhost:8080/child-care-centres/1.
Check that switching back to the "Summary" tab redirects to the "Reconciliation" sub-tab and the URL is again localhost:8080/child-care-centres/1/summary/reconciliation.
Check that you can navigate to all the "Summary" tabs and that their URLs update to match the tab name.
Go to the "Payments" tab and enter some payments.
Note that the "Payment Name" gets auto-filled but is editable.
Note that the Payment Date" gets auto-filled to the current year.
Check that you can create/update/delete payments.
Check that edits to "Payment Amount" do not trigger a cursor jump to end of the field.
Check that the "Summary -> Reconciliation" tab gets updated with the payment amounts, and with the expenses listed in the top level "Worksheets -> " tabs.
Check that you can refresh the page on any of the linked url tabs, or navigate to them directly via the URL.
Log in to http://localhost:8080/child-care-centres/1 → Summary → Reconciliation
Proposed Implementation
Limitations of Platform
New Payments Tab
Testing Instructions
dev up