Lots of payments are showing up in the database against the same fiscal year and center id. This is likely the result of a hard-coded center id and/or fiscal year in the data entry. Or the data entry not being reactive to the currently selected fiscal year/center id.
Force invalid api calls to bounce the user to the login page. There have been reports that payments aren't persisting after logout, and since I haven't been able to recreate the issue locally, the only other thing I can think of is that the user's session had silently expired. This is generally a good practice, though it might be better to handle this in a route guard or global watcher or something.
Support double click go to on center list.
Fixes https://yg-hpw.atlassian.net/browse/ELCC-45
User report
Could not re-create; however, this may have been fixed by fixing payment -> fiscal year reactivity in https://github.com/icefoganalytics/elcc-data-management/pull/67
Lots of payments are showing up in the database against the same fiscal year and center id. This is likely the result of a hard-coded center id and/or fiscal year in the data entry. Or the data entry not being reactive to the currently selected fiscal year/center id.
Force invalid api calls to bounce the user to the login page. There have been reports that payments aren't persisting after logout, and since I haven't been able to recreate the issue locally, the only other thing I can think of is that the user's session had silently expired. This is generally a good practice, though it might be better to handle this in a route guard or global watcher or something. Support double click go to on center list.
Testing Instructions
dev up