a reusable component to show zero or more notifications
a little collapsible drawer that goes in the header, probably a drop down
There's a Veautify theme called material pro that has some really nice examples of interface designs
notifications will have some sort of URL they can link to for context
a notification that says your application has been approved and has a link to that particular application
Or that they have an acceptance letter to download
ability to go to a notifications page, which lists all the notifications, in case some are too long or hard to read in the dropdown
It's probably a good idea to have a generic notification standard, with type specific variations. "Strategy Pattern" would probably be a good fit for this.
See https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sYkJJEqQFYhfyGgqh3ZqryosNN32FyQWi08xJ7zywE/edit?pli=1#heading=h.60b559meaeng