Finally, with a nice mix of techniques my hf mf fchk is much faster or at least equal fast as the depth first based script run mfkeys
With default_keys.dic reaching 417keys the need for a faster check keys was needed.
Problem is there is no oracle like in binsearch which indicates if a key should be picked earlier or not.
Tests showed a sorted list was even worse. I have an third strategy in mind, besides the two depth first and width first algos. As is, the depth first algo and send found key to first in list has proven itself to be riddiculous good. So simple and still.
And now, hf mf nested has the new fast check aswell. Ridiculous fast if one of the default keys are found compared to offical pm3. The changes to offical pm3 wasn't bad at all.
Finally, with a nice mix of techniques my hf mf fchk is much faster or at least equal fast as the depth first based script run mfkeys
With default_keys.dic reaching 417keys the need for a faster check keys was needed. Problem is there is no oracle like in binsearch which indicates if a key should be picked earlier or not.
Tests showed a sorted list was even worse. I have an third strategy in mind, besides the two depth first and width first algos. As is, the depth first algo and send found key to first in list has proven itself to be riddiculous good. So simple and still.
Anyway, have some fun with it!