icerockdev / moko-kswift

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Generic class inside sealed class not generated properly #86

Open radimjanda754 opened 12 months ago

radimjanda754 commented 12 months ago

Following code

sealed class ResourceState<out R> {

    data class Success<out T>(val data: T) : ResourceState<T>()
    data class Error(val throwable: Throwable) : ResourceState<Nothing>()
    object Loading : ResourceState<Nothing>()
    object Empty : ResourceState<Nothing>()


Generates generic class type T like this

public enum ResourceStateKs<R : AnyObject> {

  case empty
  case error(ResourceStateError)
  case loading
  case success(ResourceStateSuccess<T>)

Which says Cannot find type 'T' in scope.

I guess it should've been something like this

public enum ResourceStateKs<R : AnyObject, T: AnyObject> {

  case empty
  case error(ResourceStateError)
  case loading
  case success(ResourceStateSuccess<T>)

Is it possible to fix this and generate properly?