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Add livedata twoway bindings with text formatting #142

Open Alex009 opened 3 years ago

Alex009 commented 3 years ago

Now we implement textformatting support inside project, but we can implement support of formatting out of box. for example with integration of and as we do inside our projects.

or with on iOS

or by custom code:

import Foundation
import UIKit

class DefaultTextFormatter: NSObject {

    public let textPattern: String

    /// Symbol that will be replace by input symbols
    public let patternSymbol: Character

    public init(textPattern: String,
                patternSymbol: Character = "#") {
        self.textPattern = textPattern
        self.patternSymbol = patternSymbol

    func format(_ unformattedText: String?) -> String? {
        guard let unformattedText = unformattedText else { return nil }
        var formatted = String.init()
        var unformattedIndex = 0
        var patternIndex = 0

        while patternIndex < textPattern.count && unformattedIndex < unformattedText.count {
            guard let patternCharacter = textPattern.characterAt(patternIndex) else { break }
            if patternCharacter == patternSymbol {
                if let unformattedCharacter = unformattedText.characterAt(unformattedIndex) {
                unformattedIndex += 1
            } else {
            patternIndex += 1
        return formatted

    func unformat(_ formatted: String?) -> String? {
        guard let formatted = formatted else { return nil }

        if textPattern.starts(with: formatted) {
            return formatted
        var unformatted = String()
        var formattedIndex = 0

        while formattedIndex < formatted.count {
            if let formattedCharacter = formatted.characterAt(formattedIndex) {
                if formattedIndex >= textPattern.count {
                } else if formattedCharacter != textPattern.characterAt(formattedIndex) {
                formattedIndex += 1
        return unformatted

extension DefaultTextFormatter: UITextFieldDelegate {
    func textField(
        _ textField: UITextField,
        shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange,
        replacementString string: String
    ) -> Bool {
        let newText = (textField.text as NSString?)?.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: string)
        let unformattedText = unformat(newText)

        // Обход проблемы, когда юзер начинает ввод с символа, с которого начинается паттерн
        // (не возможно было начать ввод с 8)
        if textPattern.starts(with: newText ?? "") {
            textField.text = newText
        } else {
            textField.text = format(unformattedText)?.uppercased()

        textField.sendActions(for: UIControl.Event.editingChanged)
        return false