icerpc / icerpc-docs

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Add Protobuf syntax highlighting #381

Closed bernardnormier closed 10 months ago

bernardnormier commented 10 months ago

Should be just like slice and csharp, e.g.

syntax = "proto3";

package visitor_center;
option csharp_namespace = "VisitorCenter";

// The protobuf equivalent of Slice interface Greeter in the Greeter example.
service Greeter {
    // Creates a personalized greeting.
    rpc Greet (GreetRequest) returns (GreetResponse);

// The request contains the name of the person to greet.
message GreetRequest {
    string name = 1;

// The response contains the greeting.
message GreetResponse {
    string greeting = 1;
ReeceHumphreys commented 10 months ago

Looks I already added this but the default language keyword is protobuf. I can update it to also support the proto keyword.

ReeceHumphreys commented 10 months ago

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